Social media is constantly changing – from new algorithms that favor different types of content to the audience engaging with your content. You may be seeing a drop in engagement, which is why now is a great time to audit your social media profiles and do a little spring cleaning!

Here are a few things to look at:

Check your analytics


If you are utilizing business profiles on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Instagram, there are plenty of ways you can analyze your audience. Though each social media platform’s insights look different, they’re still going to tell you various things about your audience that you can’t ignore.

Take a look at data about your audience’s location, age, gender, Internet habits, what posts they’re engaging with, and even the days and times they are online. With this information, you can make adjustments to the types of posts you’re putting out, when you’re posting, and what platforms you’re focused on.

For example, if your Facebook engagement has dwindled, but your Instagram seems to be ramping up, and your audience is leaning towards millennials (and it is in line with your buyer persona), focus more on the posts that are going to Instagram. You don’t have to abandon Facebook altogether, but give another platform a chance to grow.

With new Instagram features rolling out all the time and Facebook’s ad platform reaching full saturation, now is an especially good time to try something new with your social strategy!

Post Types

Posting the right content on the right platform is the key to better engagement. Take a look at the insights for your social media posts. Are videos reaching thousands of people while text-only posts reach a dozen or so? That’s not a coincidence. Video is some of the most valuable content right now, on Facebook in particular.

Engagement is the best analytic to look at to determine the types of content you should be posting. You’re likely going to find that organic photos and videos are going to have higher reach and engagement numbers than any other post types.

Review your profiles

When’s the last time you changed your profile header image or updated your company bio or about section?

Your social media profiles are just as important as your company’s website in showing the world exactly who your brand is. So, just like your website, it should be consistently updated and refreshed. Make sure that your bio sounds professional and gives the best description of your business as succinctly as possible.

Once you change your social media header and bio, pull it up on your mobile phone to make sure everything looks perfect. More often than not, social media users are viewing your page on their mobile device.

That doesn’t seem too hard, right? It’s way easier than cleaning out your closet or weeding your garden. When you take a few minutes to spring clean your social media profiles, you’ll find that your profile stands out from the crowd and your strategy will be a winner!