The Inbetweeners: Marketing to Gen X

Social media marketing tends to focus on the Millennial generation quite a lot. Like, a lot, a lot. It’s hard to make it through the day without hearing the “M” word, because they’re a different type of generation-- digital natives. However, it’s their parents, Gen Xers, that have the lion’s share of the buying economy. Gen X is those born (roughly) between 1965 and the early 1980s. Gen X has more buying power than any other generation with 31 percent [...]

The Inbetweeners: Marketing to Gen X2019-02-14T13:13:38-05:00

I’m Stuck: What to Do When You Need Blog Inspiration

I’m in a sticky situation; recently I wrote a blog post called “I'm Stuck: What to do when you're stuck writing content” about all the ways you ca get inspiration when you’re out of ideas. Well, I’m out of ideas for this blog post. Blog posts are especially hard to get inspiration for because it’s long-form content. They’re also essential for digital marketing professionals. Let’s explore 5 ways you can develop an engaging and informative blog topic for your audience--even [...]

I’m Stuck: What to Do When You Need Blog Inspiration2017-10-04T18:10:19-04:00

Avoid These 5 Common Buyer Persona Mistakes

Creating buyer personas is a crucial part of a successful inbound strategy. Buyer personas help you understand exactly who your customer is, what they are looking for, their pain points, and how your company is positioned to help them achieve their goals. Without them, your marketing efforts have nothing to grasp onto. […]

Avoid These 5 Common Buyer Persona Mistakes2018-02-19T16:16:51-05:00

Using Facebook Analytics to Plan Your Content

If you’ve looked into your business page’s Facebook Insights tab recently, you know the amount of data provided about your page can almost seem overwhelming if you don’t know the meaning behind the numbers you see. It’s important to understand what information Facebook is collecting to be able to use it to refresh your current content plan. Here’s a quick overview of 4 analytics features inside of Facebook Insights, and how the results you see should influence the content you [...]

Using Facebook Analytics to Plan Your Content2019-01-11T12:06:23-05:00

Cracking the Code: The Instagram Algorithm

Facebook’s dominance over the social media industry, with over a billion daily users, means that it gets to decide pretty much everything in the industry. Usually when Facebook makes a move, all other social media platforms must follow suit or risk becoming obsolete. […]

Cracking the Code: The Instagram Algorithm2017-10-23T17:07:10-04:00

Make Friends with Your Social Media Manager

“Any content you have time to share would be helpful!” This is a statement you’ve likely heard from your social media manager – whether that person is in-house or part of an agency. […]

Make Friends with Your Social Media Manager2018-05-11T12:39:34-04:00

No Time? Better Your LinkedIn Profile in (almost) NO TIME

One of the concerns we hear often from clients is the time something takes to complete online, particularly when it comes to marketing. We try our best to share a few tasks each time we meet to prevent our clients from feeling overwhelmed by yet another to-do list, and often one that comes with a steep learning curve. We know everyone is busy (that’s how we have jobs!). We also know that part of our role as a marketing partner [...]

No Time? Better Your LinkedIn Profile in (almost) NO TIME2020-05-26T13:51:05-04:00

Leaving Cold Leads Behind: Why I Left Journalism

I have always been a thrill of the chase kind of writer. Taking difficult topics and mastering them as a wordsmith was always a dream of mine. I truly envy those who know exactly what they want to do before they even begin applying for colleges. When my aspirations of becoming a veterinarian were voluntarily cast aside, I decided to put pen to paper (literally at that time) and start a career in writing – more specifically, journalism. Chasing the Story [...]

Leaving Cold Leads Behind: Why I Left Journalism2017-10-11T17:14:24-04:00

Personal Branding in the Social Media Age

As a busy professional, it’s easy to get buried in client work; your main focus is usually your prospects and your customers. However, most professionals forget about themselves. When potential clients are […]

Personal Branding in the Social Media Age2018-02-09T11:32:34-05:00
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