Everything We Learned At Digital Summit Charlotte 2018

Digital Summit is a national series of conferences where marketers, entrepreneurs, and innovators converge for two days of educational speaking sessions from industry leaders on topics ranging from social media marketing to technology trends and more. The Digital Summit series presents in cities across the United States, and, lucky for us, Charlotte is one of them. Team Posse was geared up and excited for a great conference this year, and we weren’t disappointed! Here’s a quick rundown of some of [...]

Everything We Learned At Digital Summit Charlotte 20182018-10-08T11:46:38-04:00

Why should you still be using Twitter?

With all of the different social media platforms out there today, you may be wondering why you should spend time and energy on a platform that seems to be going out of date. The fact is, however, there are still many reasons why Twitter is still a viable social media giant that can help your business connect with customers. First, what’s new on Twitter in 2018? Twitter has cracked down on spam, fake news and accounts, and bots. To do [...]

Why should you still be using Twitter?2018-07-26T15:28:38-04:00

5 Ways to Drive Traffic and Boost Engagement on Pinterest

Pinterest has 150 million monthly users and is currently the 3rd largest social media platform. Because each Pin can link directly back to your website, it is a valuable tool for generating website traffic. Here are tips for making the most of your brand’s Pinterest account: Profile Optimization When you’re first getting started on Pinterest for business, make sure that you correctly optimize your profile. Create a business account that includes a link to your website, a complete “about you” [...]

5 Ways to Drive Traffic and Boost Engagement on Pinterest2018-07-16T10:52:23-04:00

4 Reasons Why You Should Hire A Social Media Manager

We’ve talked before about why business owners are not social media managers. Business owners must put so much focus into actually running their business that it can, unintentionally, become detrimental for them to try to create and implement a successful social media strategy that produces the results they are hoping for. While DIY social media for your business isn’t impossible, having a dedicated social media manager can make all the difference in the world Trends A social media manager’s sole [...]

4 Reasons Why You Should Hire A Social Media Manager2018-06-20T10:22:51-04:00

6 Time-Saving Tips for Social Media Management

The three main components to social media success are quality, consistency, and authenticity. With that said, creating and curating the content to uphold this standard can be a tedious process that leaves you feeling drained at the end of the day. Social media management can be one of the most time-consuming parts of your routine. If keeping up with social media management seems like another full-time job to you, that’s because it is another full-time job! The reality is, you [...]

6 Time-Saving Tips for Social Media Management2018-06-18T11:05:43-04:00

5 Misconceptions About Social Media Marketing

Do you think you know what it takes to run a consistent, results-driven social media campaign? Do you know how to post to social media for your business or brand? If you think it’s easy, cheap, and that anyone can do it, think again. You may be surprised by these misconceptions regarding social media marketing, but luckily we’re here to set the record straight. […]

5 Misconceptions About Social Media Marketing2018-06-13T13:26:40-04:00

What You Need to Know if You’re New to Social Media Marketing

If you’re still scratching your head about the effectiveness of social media marketing (or where to begin if you are just starting out), you’re not alone. Even for those of us in the business, concepts, laws, and techniques are always changing. Though 90% of small businesses have had a social presence for five years or more, many have yet to scrape the surface of its effectiveness for marketing their business.   It’s no longer enough to simply be present on [...]

What You Need to Know if You’re New to Social Media Marketing2018-05-23T16:04:41-04:00

SEO Hacks for Optimizing Your Website for Voice Search

If you ask Siri, Google, or Alexa to look something up for you, you’re using voice search. Use of smart devices, like Google Home or Amazon Alexa, has been booming this year, and it is revolutionizing the way people not only manage their homes but how they search the Internet. That’s right. The way people use the Internet to search is changing. More than 60 percent of Internet searches are done on mobile and 20 percent and climbing are voice [...]

SEO Hacks for Optimizing Your Website for Voice Search2018-05-11T10:11:59-04:00

How to Create Engaging Videos With Evergreen Content

Though video content is quickly becoming one of the most consumed types of content on social media, many brands are still hesitant or reluctant to get on board with video. There is a common misconception that video has to be expensively produced and staged, which keeps many businesses from embracing it. “We don’t have the budget or equipment for video.” “We simply don’t have the time to create video content.” “I hate being on camera.” “I don’t have anywhere to [...]

How to Create Engaging Videos With Evergreen Content2018-04-09T11:19:19-04:00

Social Media Spring Cleaning

Social media is constantly changing – from new algorithms that favor different types of content to the audience engaging with your content. You may be seeing a drop in engagement, which is why now is a great time to audit your social media profiles and do a little spring cleaning! […]

Social Media Spring Cleaning2018-04-03T13:23:32-04:00
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