Increase sales this holiday using Pinterest

Social media plays a huge role in consumer shopping habits. In fact, an estimated HALF of all 2014 holiday sales will be influenced by social media. A 2014 Pinterest media consumption study found that 9% of users have a higher income than nonusers, and 38% of active pinners bought a product because they saw it on Pinterest. Those statistics make Pinterest the perfect platform to market your products to potential customers. […]

Increase sales this holiday using Pinterest2017-10-04T17:34:47-04:00

LinkedIn Mistakes Revealed

You might think you know all there is to know about LinkedIn, but that’s your first mistake. Today we’ll go over 10 LinkedIn mistakes you might be making and 5 features you might not know about. […]

LinkedIn Mistakes Revealed2017-10-02T19:08:59-04:00

Stay up-to-date on Social Media Updates

Here we are again with another long list of updates to the social media platforms you're most likely familiar with. Facebook, Twitter and Google have all made updates in the past week or so that improve the functionality of the platforms. Some of these social media updates may apply to you, and some won't affect you at all. Either way, it's important to know what has changed and how you can take advantage of the changes. Social Media Updates Facebook I'll [...]

Stay up-to-date on Social Media Updates2017-08-25T18:22:44-04:00

Should I Follow the 80/20 Social Media Posting Rule?

Got a great sale coming up? Shoot out a Facebook post about it… Closed for the day? Shoot out a post about that too. Customer do or say something that is share worthy? Go for it… But remember, all the posting you are doing can end up overwhelming the feeds of your fans! Tons of businesses today lose sight of the true interests of their “adoring” public. They get caught up in posting […]

Should I Follow the 80/20 Social Media Posting Rule?2017-10-05T15:33:54-04:00

Need A Social Media Mentor?

Two words. Taylor Swift. Her first official pop album released on Monday is expected to be the first album this year to sell a million copies, all while the music industry as a whole is on the decline. But what does that have to do with social media? Well, everything!  I don’t have the analytics on T. Swift’s social media, nor can I validate actual conversions based on her social media presence, but it doesn’t take […]

Need A Social Media Mentor?2017-10-04T15:58:36-04:00

Social Media in the Workplace

In today's age of constant tech immersion, it is hard not to make a habit of using social media while you are working. As we all know, social media can easily distract you from what you need to be doing, but it also has many advantages. Although you may think when it comes to work, social media is nothing but a distraction from the task you are paying your employees to do. The main question that comes to the mind of most [...]

Social Media in the Workplace2017-08-25T18:09:34-04:00

The Growth of Social Mobile Payments

In the time it takes you to read the beginning of this post, one out of every 20 people will have checked their mobile phone. We use our phones for communication, looking up things on the Internet, social media, GPS and so much more. It only makes sense that we would start using them to handle payments. This new generation of apps that are used for mobile payments is steadily becoming more and more popular and relevant. […]

The Growth of Social Mobile Payments2017-10-23T16:54:56-04:00


What is Zendesk? No, it’s not a desk that helps you meditate (although that would be nice). As their website states, Zendesk is a software tool that facilitates better customer service. A communication tool between businesses and their customers, Zendesk takes all […]


New from Pinterest: better business analytics

Pinterest recently released a new analytics tool for businesses. This tool allows businesses to see detailed data on the number of users that engage with their pins, information on what countries those users are from, what their interests are, and off-network data for those that have the ‘Pin It’ button installed on their websites. […]

New from Pinterest: better business analytics2017-10-02T09:46:03-04:00

Ahh, My Daughter Asked to Join Social Media

As a mother of two I have struggled with the decision to allow my children to use social media. My daughter started asking if she could join Facebook when she was 10. Thankfully, Facebook requires you to be at least 13 to set up an account, so I had no issue with telling her no. My daughter recently turned 13 and hasn’t yet asked to join Facebook again, but has asked to join Instagram. With my permission my daughter set [...]

Ahh, My Daughter Asked to Join Social Media2017-10-02T16:03:39-04:00
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