50 Shades of Personality: Find Your Ideal Customer and Buyer Personas

Do you know who your ideal customer is? You should. It’s much easier to market any business when you’re marketing to an ideal customer,  the people who are most likely to be interested in what your business has to offer. […]

50 Shades of Personality: Find Your Ideal Customer and Buyer Personas2017-10-23T17:10:56-04:00

Let’s Get A Little More Personal – Reaching Clients By Personalization

Keeping It Personal Back in the day, we would work on SEO, gearing it to provide exactly what was required by search engines when working on websites. This included cramming in tons of keywords and using other such suspect tactics. Today, however, things have changed greatly. More and more people are paying close attention to the information is being shared on the net. Businesses that continue to use these tactics are finding it harder and harder to attract new views, new visitors, and new business. [...]

Let’s Get A Little More Personal – Reaching Clients By Personalization2017-10-23T17:06:42-04:00

How to be part of the social conversation

You have a presence on social media, you’re putting content out into the world, but are you engaging? Engagement is a vital part to your brand’s success as a whole. There is no replacement or substitution – this is something you need to be a part of. […]

How to be part of the social conversation2017-10-23T17:06:20-04:00

Tell Your Brand Story With Instagram

Instagram is not slowing down. Now with 400 million monthly active users, this visual social media app just might be the perfect platform for your business! […]

Tell Your Brand Story With Instagram2017-10-23T17:06:20-04:00

Want To Know How Top Inbound Marketers Spell Success?

When it comes to marketing, there often seems like a magic mix of materials, tools, and such to which only a relative handful of top marketers have access. These marketers seem to consistently rise head and shoulders above the rest as they help to draw in lead after lead, helping sales to seal the deal time and again. The trouble is that this is a major misconception. There is no secret tool chest that these marketers are using. They simply [...]

Want To Know How Top Inbound Marketers Spell Success?2017-10-23T17:10:55-04:00

4 Things your business gets wrong on facebook

Admit it. Your organization has been on Facebook for a few years now and you still may get a few things wrong. You may have heard conspirators mumbling this platform is headed down the drain. If you choose to ignore Facebook or continue missing the mark it could mean lost revenue or relationships.   […]

4 Things your business gets wrong on facebook2017-08-22T01:48:48-04:00

Utilizing Visual Content on Social Media

Visuals are a powerful marketing tool and a key part of your social media strategy. Are you utilizing them on your social platforms? You should be using visuals to share your message, whenever possible. Essentially, visual content - pictures, videos, infographics, graphics, etc - is eye-catching to your followers and engages your audience. Here are some tips to get you headed in the right direction when it comes to your visual marketing strategy: Be Organic! Take the time to create [...]

Utilizing Visual Content on Social Media2019-02-22T14:19:34-05:00

Can Your Website Do This?? (Part 1/2)

Everything eventually gets old, wears out, and needs to be updated or replaced. In the world of      the Internet, that process is accelerated by a thousand. While you want your company to stand  out, making your website a memento to the 2000s is not the way to do it. Keeping up to date with  the latest technologies and trends is helpful to making your business thrive. I know many articles merely list the specifics of the things web [...]

Can Your Website Do This?? (Part 1/2)2017-10-23T16:54:56-04:00

Social Media During a Crisis

A crisis for your brand can turn the whole world upside down quickly. Social media seems like it’s attacking you, but it’s not the enemy and instead of inflicting damage, it can help you control the damage for your brand. You know that social media is necessary to get your brand out there and spread its message, but what about those times when you’d rather everyone not talk about your brand so much? Like when negative news breaks about your [...]

Social Media During a Crisis2017-10-23T16:59:02-04:00

Resources For the Modern Social Media Manager

Behind every great social media, manager is a bevy of resources to assist in content creation, publication, and observation. Shareable, engaging content doesn’t just appear out of nowhere! Social media managers are masters at discovering and creating likeable social posts – I should know… I am one! […]

Resources For the Modern Social Media Manager2018-09-06T12:38:28-04:00
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