Inbound Event Marketing: 5 Ways to Boost your Online Presence

Flyers, banners, newspaper ads, and various printed media used to be the typical advertising format for events. Event marketing now goes far beyond that. Today, festivals, conferences, and other gatherings have websites, email lists, and social media accounts that all need to be analyzed and monitored over the duration of the event. […]

Inbound Event Marketing: 5 Ways to Boost your Online Presence2017-10-04T20:55:21-04:00

Getting Past the Fear of Going Digital

Disclaimer: We know that not everyone lives, breathes, and enjoys online marketing & media as much as we do. It’s the job, of course, but it’s also (and more importantly) our passion. Yes, we grumble when Instagram considers or makes changes. We continuously battle the fluid Facebook algorithm. We have to pay attention (and implement) the latest social video tools. Basically, we have to constantly monitor, tweak, and learn new techniques just to keep up. If it sounds exhausting, it [...]

Getting Past the Fear of Going Digital2017-10-23T17:10:10-04:00

The Benefits of Podcast

They say faith comes by hearing. If that’s true, then do customers come by hearing too? Could podcasts attract an audience to your brand? What are the benefits of having a podcast, should your brand strategy include one? Podcast History 101 Let’s tackle these questions by looking at the history of podcasting first. It first popped up in 2004 with Adam Curry and Dave winer credited with its invention. They had a vision of listeners being able to download a [...]

The Benefits of Podcast2017-10-23T17:10:12-04:00

How to Choose Your Brand’s Hashtags

Hashtags. They’re everywhere. From Twitter to Instagram, you can’t miss them, and if your business is on social media, you better make sure you don’t.  This little symbol is a powerful tool that you need to be using, but you need to go about it the right way.    […]

How to Choose Your Brand’s Hashtags2017-10-04T14:48:21-04:00

What Can Inbound Marketing Offer My Business?

There is an increasing need for content nowadays, and every business that tries to stand out from the competitors knows the importance of having a solid content marketing strategy. […]

What Can Inbound Marketing Offer My Business?2017-10-23T17:10:11-04:00

Stop Chasing Your Clients: 5 Better Ways to Market Online

We know. You want your business to grow. The first quarter has come and gone. As you are reviewing the numbers, you’re probably highlighting opportunities for improvement and reviewing your goals. And, almost always, those numbers leave you wanting more. More customers, more contracts, more product sold, and more profits. Here’s where it’s important to pause. The old-school mindset is to plan on how to go get “more”. What if there was a better way? What if you could help [...]

Stop Chasing Your Clients: 5 Better Ways to Market Online2017-10-23T17:02:23-04:00

Facebook Talks Bots, Artificial Intelligence, & Virtual Reality At F8

What sounds like the premise of any dystopian science fiction novel is actually the ten year plan Facebook head Mark Zuckerberg outlined at this week’s F8 conference. F8 is Facebook’s annual developer conference that unveils new products, integrations, and technologies. […]

Facebook Talks Bots, Artificial Intelligence, & Virtual Reality At F82017-10-23T17:10:11-04:00

The Art of Content Marketing

Content marketing, according to the Content Marketing Institute, is the “art of communicating with your customers and prospects without selling.” It’s the practice of delivering information to your audience that educates them rather than sells to them. […]

The Art of Content Marketing2017-10-23T17:10:56-04:00

4 Types of Instagram Contests & How to Run Them

Even though Instagram has recently made changes to their algorithm that will affect how your posts show up in their news feed, you can still entice your followers to engage with your brand by running Instagram contests. […]

4 Types of Instagram Contests & How to Run Them2017-10-23T17:04:55-04:00
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