17 Nov

The Instagram Alternatives to Facebook’s Ad Saturation


Facebook is having a rough year. The Russia/election debacle being a main focus. Also troubling for the platform is that it hit maximum ad saturation sooner than predicted. Without getting too far into the Russian interference (you can read more about that here), Facebook was forced to completely change its approach to advertising, which has ultimately complicated marketing efforts. Ad saturation is another huge problem that Facebook is battling. Ad saturation refers to the amount of virtual space available for [...]

The Instagram Alternatives to Facebook’s Ad Saturation2018-03-05T13:13:31-05:00
17 Nov

How To Get Hired: Employee


Social media managers are in a field that simply didn’t exist just over a decade ago, have a wide array of in-flux variables dictating the future of their careers, and often find themselves relying on crowd-sourced knowledge to tackle daily tasks. The common reaction (still) to people introducing themselves as a social media manager to someone unfamiliar with the field involves a version of the statement, “So you play on Facebook all day?” Anyone who is familiar with the field [...]

How To Get Hired: Employee2018-03-05T13:18:57-05:00
17 Nov

Finding The Most Effective Instagram Hashtags


Instagram hashtags are the best (free!) tool for businesses to find their target audience and grow their brand. With that said, most brands don’t know which hashtags to use, and that’s okay. It’s a common mistake, because there’s not a lot of information on how to utilize the right hashtags. If you need a recap on how hashtags can be used to grow your brand on Instagram, review how the Instagram Search Algorithm works. Hashtags come in a variety of [...]

Finding The Most Effective Instagram Hashtags2018-03-05T13:18:32-05:00
17 Nov

Solving the Mystery of Dark Social


Dark social is exactly what it sounds like - mysterious off-the-grid social sharing often unintentionally overlooked by marketers. It’s like an underground link sharing world. This mysterious sharing method is one that leaves many marketers “in the dark” when it comes to accurately measuring website visits. What is dark social? Have you ever shared a dinner recipe in an email? Have you spent lunch hours browsing gossip news sites and shared links to the stories with your co-workers in a [...]

Solving the Mystery of Dark Social2018-03-29T10:02:54-04:00
17 Nov

Great Video Content Is About Being Authentic


Bob Dylan famously said, “The times they are a changin.’” While it’s a decades-old reference to political and social change, it definitely applies to the fast-paced evolution of social media content, which video has come to dominate. There’s no longer denying that the shift into video-dominated content is the new standard for digital marketing. For small businesses, this can be an intimidating feat, and many tend to assume they don’t have the resources to make video content. Some are just [...]

Great Video Content Is About Being Authentic2018-03-05T13:20:39-05:00
17 Oct

Creating a Crush-Worthy Content Strategy


A content strategy is your plan to create, publish, and control usable content on social media. Essentially, it is your way to give your audience consistent, valuable, and educational information in the form of blogs, graphics, videos, podcasts, infographics, social media posts, and more. A good content strategy boosts SEO, increases your brand’s exposure, grows your audience, gives your brand an identity, and allows your brand to stay relevant. Building a great content strategy takes a little bit of time [...]

Creating a Crush-Worthy Content Strategy2018-02-19T17:29:21-05:00
17 Oct

Everything Your Business Needs to Know About LinkedIn’s New Updates


LinkedIn has been seeking more interactive ways for users to display their authentic selves and drive engagement, whether they are promoting their personal or company brand. They have launched many new features this year in order to achieve that goal. Some of the updates you may have already noticed and some have been more subtly incorporated – or under-utilized. Only 23% of LinkedIn’s total user base used the platform on a weekly basis in 2016. It was clear that the [...]

Everything Your Business Needs to Know About LinkedIn’s New Updates2017-10-23T17:06:50-04:00
17 Oct

Instagram Hashtag Strategy: How to Hack the Search Algorithm


  This is part of an Instagram hashtag strategy series. This post focuses on ways to be found in the Top Posts algorithm. If this topic feels overwhelming, start with the conclusion and work your way back up. Still need help? We’re here for you. Hashtags have been evolving since their creation in 2009 on Twitter. Now, hashtags are part of spoken slang and are used in campaigns for brand engagement and to categorize types of content. […]

Instagram Hashtag Strategy: How to Hack the Search Algorithm2018-05-01T11:30:07-04:00
17 Aug

How Businesses Can Still Benefit From Twitter in 2017


There has been speculation about the imminent demise of Twitter. “The missing piece of the puzzle, and perhaps the one thing keeping Twitter alive, is that its replacement hasn't (yet) surfaced.” -Barbara Speed via NewStatesman. However, if Twitter is a fit for your business (see below to find out!), it's not a platform you want to ignore. Regardless of what may happen in the future, there are a lot of ways small businesses can and should maximize their Twitter impact [...]

How Businesses Can Still Benefit From Twitter in 20172018-05-17T12:00:32-04:00
17 Jul

Why Your Business Should Embrace Snapchat’s Snap Map 


If you are marketing to millennials, chances are you already advertise (or at least have a presence) on Snapchat. With the emergence of Snapchat’s latest map feature comes a lot of opportunity for brick-and-mortar and event-based businesses to make their mark. […]

Why Your Business Should Embrace Snapchat’s Snap Map 2017-10-04T12:56:25-04:00
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