14 Jun

Pinterest: a visual storefront


If your business is not on Pinterest, you may be missing out on reaching the optimal consumer demographic in today’s world: young women in the height of their buying years. An estimated 85%* of all consumer purchases are made by women, while the fastest growing segment of consumers is 19-39 year olds. What these hyper-engaged young consumers want is quick and easy access to products, and ideas on how to use them. This is what Pinterest does, and it is what [...]

Pinterest: a visual storefront2017-09-30T14:10:01-04:00
14 Jun

WordPress Keeps Pressing On


As the 11th anniversary of WordPress comes to a pass, we celebrate how it became a behemoth in the blogging world and has even expanded to a full content management system. As integrated into the internet that WordPress is currently, it did not always used to be this way. WordPress was released on May 27, 2003 by its founders, Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little, as a branch of it precursor b2/cafelog. The company’s about page says that “WordPress was born [...]

WordPress Keeps Pressing On2017-08-21T14:47:12-04:00
14 May

Rocket Power Your Marketing


In the future our astronauts may not find any Transformers on the dark side of the moon, but thanks to a Japanese sports drink company they may find the “Lunar Dream Capsule.” The company that could be responsible for the first advertisement on the lunar surface is known as Pocari Sweat. They are teaming up with the Singapore-based start-up Astroscale as well as a few others to make this project possible. The Lunar Dream Capsule will look identical to a [...]

Rocket Power Your Marketing2017-08-29T15:55:50-04:00
14 May

The New Facebook? Tumblr’s rise in popularity and how it can help your business


All the cool kids are on Tumblr. Well, at least 300 million of them are. On average, more than 187 million Tumblr blogs generate over 88 million posts every day. *That’s a lot of millions. According to a study by GlobalWebIndex, those numbers continue to grow. In fact, in the past six months active usage of Tumblr has increased by 22%. Comparatively, active usage of social media giant Facebook has dropped 6%. A website with those statistics is prime real [...]

The New Facebook? Tumblr’s rise in popularity and how it can help your business2017-09-30T15:04:11-04:00
14 May

Google – The Original California Chrome


Everywhere you look nowadays it seems that Google has a hand in that field. Starting off as a search engine in 1998, it has since grown to the behemoth that it is now with what seems like a googol of products and services. Enter Google Drive Two years ago Google launched one of its most useful products ever, Google Drive. Drive is a cloud storage system which automatically saves user edits to the documents and is home to the suite [...]

Google – The Original California Chrome2017-10-05T00:06:02-04:00
14 May

Instagram, how to build your brand through point and shoot!


Do you want to know the best way to market your business on Instagram? Do you even know what Instagram is? If you don’t already know, Instagram is a very cool way to connect with your consumers who make use of social networking sites. In fact, Instagram has over 130 million active users each month, with over a billion photos liked each month. So, that’s what Instagram is: a photo sharing social media network. You can use Instagram to tell [...]

Instagram, how to build your brand through point and shoot!2017-10-23T17:06:17-04:00
14 Apr

Is mobile use by children on the rise?


Mobile devices are now firmly entrenched in our lives. Whether it is a tablet, smartphone, or other such device it is extremely difficult to imagine how we could survive without them. We use them for business and in our personal lives to send texts, cruise the social networks, and to simply stay in touch with what’s going on with everyone. Given the dependency upon mobile devices at what point do we have to recognize the potential for addiction? The most [...]

Is mobile use by children on the rise?2017-10-23T17:18:10-04:00
14 Apr

4 Companies Using Social Media to Go Green


More and more companies are recognizing the value of environmental efforts and changing their business structure’s to be more green. And now, the trend is seeping into social media. Facebook, in an effort to green its social network, agreed to purchase power from a wind farm in Altoona, Iowa, once it’s completed in 2015. The 138 MW farm will supply enough energy to power 100 percent of Facebook’s nearby center in Wellsburg, Iowa, which should help make everyone’s time on [...]

4 Companies Using Social Media to Go Green2017-10-23T17:04:55-04:00
14 Apr

Where can I find the perfect image for my content?


If you have been doing digital marketing for any degree of time it is likely that you have heard of the dreaded Getty Images letters that many individuals and businesses have received. These letters often include a snap of some image that you may have used on your site without realizing that it had been licensed by Getty at some time or another. While it is true that Getty has been known for extremely questionable tactics regarding this issue, who [...]

Where can I find the perfect image for my content?2017-08-22T02:04:56-04:00
14 Mar

What is social media really good for?


We live in a social media driven world that is connected at every turn yet in our everyday lives many people think that we have never been further apart as a people. We use instant gratification and over sharing as a means to escape our lives in ways that to our forebears would have seemed trivial and downright petty. Despite the down economy we are richer and have better healthcare than ever, but yet we feel worse and have poorer [...]

What is social media really good for?2017-08-22T12:21:32-04:00
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