14 Oct



What is Zendesk? No, it’s not a desk that helps you meditate (although that would be nice). As their website states, Zendesk is a software tool that facilitates better customer service. A communication tool between businesses and their customers, Zendesk takes all […]

14 Sep

New from Pinterest: better business analytics


Pinterest recently released a new analytics tool for businesses. This tool allows businesses to see detailed data on the number of users that engage with their pins, information on what countries those users are from, what their interests are, and off-network data for those that have the ‘Pin It’ button installed on their websites. […]

New from Pinterest: better business analytics2017-10-02T09:46:03-04:00
14 Sep

Ahh, My Daughter Asked to Join Social Media


As a mother of two I have struggled with the decision to allow my children to use social media. My daughter started asking if she could join Facebook when she was 10. Thankfully, Facebook requires you to be at least 13 to set up an account, so I had no issue with telling her no. My daughter recently turned 13 and hasn’t yet asked to join Facebook again, but has asked to join Instagram. With my permission my daughter set [...]

Ahh, My Daughter Asked to Join Social Media2017-10-02T16:03:39-04:00
14 Sep

How to fail at social media


Sometimes fear is what holds us back from reaching our full potential. We hear it in questions from our clients all the time. What tone should I use? What messages should I avoid? What if I post too much/not enough? From the outside, it seems like there are plenty of reasons to avoid the headache of social media. But, this wouldn’t be much of a post if we couldn’t offer some good news. So here it is: It’s pretty hard [...]

How to fail at social media2017-10-23T16:59:02-04:00
14 Sep

Social Media and the Law | Why Criminals Share Online


Recently, an inmate was able to escape from Lancaster County sheriff’s deputies. Important, but not exactly something that doesn’t happen from time to time, right? One big difference here though… After his escape, the inmate stopped and posted a status update to Facebook. What? Yes, a status update to Facebook. Why in the world would a known criminal stop and let the world know what he is currently doing? It all comes down to our social media compulsions. We have [...]

Social Media and the Law | Why Criminals Share Online2017-10-23T16:59:01-04:00
14 Aug

Personalized Marketing


Personalized marketing is the ultimate form of targeted marketing, creating messages for individual consumers. In today’s relentlessly competitive marketplaces, knowing what your customers want and promoting your products in the right way, with the right context and at the right time has never been more important. Many businesses are beginning to understand what personalization is and how powerful the technology can be. The question, however, is why is it critical to your business?   1. Take Back The Inbox It's crucial to stand out [...]

Personalized Marketing2017-10-23T17:17:53-04:00
14 Aug

Pinterest Lingo You Should Know


So you’re new to Pinterest? Congratulations! But wait … Do you know what a pin is? What about a repin? You’re in luck, the lingo is pretty easy to learn and I compiled a list right here to give you a head start. […]

Pinterest Lingo You Should Know2017-09-30T14:16:47-04:00
14 Aug

Social Media Growth Is Always On The Rise


We’ve all been there. You log on to Facebook, and the platform suddenly looks like a completely new website. You log on to Twitter, and your profile now includes updates on who you’ve followed. But these aren’t the only ways the two social media giants are expanding their reach. The companies have started creating new apps, buying other apps and even venturing into endeavors outside of their current genre. This social media growth is evident in many ways. How Social [...]

Social Media Growth Is Always On The Rise2017-08-27T15:17:38-04:00
14 Jul

First, you had smart phones. Now, you have smart homes


The move to incorporate smarter technology into our homes is finally here, and the field looks to be largely dominated by two tech giants. The two giants–Apple and Google both made moves to acquire smaller companies that specifically aim to improve your home life via technology. It’s worth noting that Gartner Research predicts “smart home” technology will add $1.9 trillion to the global economy by 2020. […]

First, you had smart phones. Now, you have smart homes2017-10-05T15:45:02-04:00
14 Jul

How Social Media Stalking Has Become All Too Real


In one year, over six million people are stalked in the United States. This amounts to one in every six women and one in every 19 men, according to The National Center for Victims of Crime. Why is this number so high? It has tripled in the last decade because of the rise of social media and the percent of the population that uses it. […]

How Social Media Stalking Has Become All Too Real2017-08-26T00:53:35-04:00
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