19 Jul

LinkedIn Is Updating Its Algorithm. What Does This Mean For Your Brand?


Not Too Long Ago... On A Social Platform Actually Pretty Close By... LinkedIn has undergone a good deal of growth and change since it first hit the scene back in 2002. Reid Hoffman's vision of a platform where people could leverage their connections to help establish and grow their businesses took off like a rocket. Today, it's easy to find yourself connected with business people from around the world. The global market has become accessible to... well, the world. LinkedIn [...]

LinkedIn Is Updating Its Algorithm. What Does This Mean For Your Brand?2019-07-29T15:47:39-04:00
19 Jun

What, Google Went Down? How Does This Affect Me?


Google experienced what seemed to be an enormous service outage on June 2nd. YouTube and Snapchat to Gmail, Voice, Nest, and even Discord were affected by this outage. People in both the US and Europe reported not being able to access the services at all or at the very least sporadically. This outage affected businesses and personal users alike. That said, here at Posse Social Media it offered us a wake up call - we stopped to think for a [...]

What, Google Went Down? How Does This Affect Me?2019-07-29T12:20:44-04:00
19 Jun

Web Design Trends for 2019 – Revisited


We're almost halfway there - halfway through 2019 that is. Heading into the year, many different folks made many different predictions about web design and the direction it would go. We've heard everything from mobile-only based websites to VR based websites. While it would be awesome to have your site available in VR, not all sites would benefit from such. There are some trends however that could certainly be of benefit. Easy Navigation Considering that the majority of site visits [...]

Web Design Trends for 2019 – Revisited2019-06-18T12:27:00-04:00
19 Jun

Building Your Social Stream Through Social Content


In our last post, we talked about the trouble that many brands face online. Social streams can get easily lost in the rivers of content being produced by a world full of socially active brands and individuals. Think about it this way: imagine you make and sell widgets. Your conversation with your stream may be all about how YOUR widgets could benefit your target clients. That's great. You have a defined audience. How about the hundred other widget producers having [...]

Building Your Social Stream Through Social Content2019-06-18T12:26:39-04:00
19 May

When Your Social Stream Gets Lost In A River Of Content


For years now, marketers have been talking about building and maintaining your social presence. There's a great reason for this. The whole point of social marketing is that it helps to develop and grow your brand. By reaching out to current customers and clients, you help to strengthen existing relationships. Alternatively, by reaching out to potential clients and customers, you can help to educate them on the goods or services you offer. It all comes down to visibility. Are you [...]

When Your Social Stream Gets Lost In A River Of Content2019-06-13T10:28:44-04:00
19 Apr

Does Facebook Still Have What It Takes to Help Small Businesses?


When it first came on the scene, social media giant Facebook seemed like the next greatest thing since sliced bread. And let’s face it… it blew away MySpace and other up and coming platforms alike. It was something we simply hadn’t seen yet: a social platform that instantly engaged millions of people in a deep and meaningful way. We instantly had access to friends and family that we might otherwise not have contact with in such an easy manner. We [...]

Does Facebook Still Have What It Takes to Help Small Businesses?2019-04-04T09:58:46-04:00
19 Mar

Does SEO Matter Today, Part 2: Making it Mobile-Friendly


Previously we talked about SEO and whether it really matters in today’s online environment. If you remember, the short answer was yes. It does matter. The trouble is that yesterday’s SEO tactics don’t exactly fit the needs of today. THAT is the long answer – yesterday’s SEO techniques do not apply in the same way to today’s websites. The things that used to matter don’t quite have the same impact on a site’s overall score. That said, in order to [...]

Does SEO Matter Today, Part 2: Making it Mobile-Friendly2019-03-11T11:22:09-04:00
19 Feb

The Power of Good Visuals in Your Content Marketing


You put thought into the text, the campaign objective, the landing page the link leads to, and the target audience you hope the post reaches, but do you pay attention to the visual that accompanies your post? The visual you choose can make or break your campaign or post; content that has relevant images is viewed 94% more times than content without. Our brains are pretty spectacular. They can process and understand an image in 1/10 of a second and [...]

The Power of Good Visuals in Your Content Marketing2019-02-22T14:40:52-05:00
19 Feb

Internet Explorer: The (Slow & Eventual) Death of a Browser


If you’re reading this blog post on a device using Internet Explorer, raise your hand. It’s okay… don’t feel embarrassed or like you’re being called out for it. Own it. We each have a favorite browser, whether it’s Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or otherwise. At the same time, we must own the shortcomings of our favorite browsers. That said, we’d be wrong if we didn’t talk about the virtual elephant in the room - the slow eventual death that is facing [...]

Internet Explorer: The (Slow & Eventual) Death of a Browser2019-02-18T17:27:50-05:00
19 Feb

Militant Social Marketing: When Online Marketing Gets Aggressive


Company XYZ has been around for years. They built a reputation in the local market for providing quality goods and services in a timely manner and at a cost that has remained competitive. In the past, advertising in local papers and on the radio was enough to keep the company busy. As the written word has lost readers, however, Company XYZ has seen a slow decline in business. Radio has continued to bring a small return on new clients, but [...]

Militant Social Marketing: When Online Marketing Gets Aggressive2019-02-05T08:59:45-05:00
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