16 Oct

Social Media Engagement Explained


Social media terms can be extremely confusing. Your social media manager might say “your social media accounts have gotten a lot of engagement this month.”  You maybe asking yourself, “What does that mean? Am I getting anything out of this?” Don’t fear! Although engagement on social media can be puzzling, we’ve broken down what you need to know about engagement, reach, and impressions. Also, how engagement is important, valuable, and increases your ROI (return on investment).  […]

Social Media Engagement Explained2017-10-23T16:58:59-04:00
16 Oct

Boost your Direct Mail Efforts With Inbound Marketing


Because you've had success using marketing techniques like direct mail to find target customers and let them know how you can help them, it might seem like an "isn't broke don't fix it" situation. But ignoring the fact that inbound marketing can supplement, improve, or potentially replace the prospects you work to acquire, while drastically reducing costs, would be detrimental to your business. In the past few years, you may have heard the phrase “outbound marketing is dead” so many [...]

Boost your Direct Mail Efforts With Inbound Marketing2017-10-23T17:25:36-04:00
16 Oct

Slow and Steady: Using Inbound Methodology to Grow Enrollment and Admissions in Private Schools


Part 2: Using Inbound Marketing to Drive Word-of-Mouth Marketing In my previous blog, I discussed the reactive nature of marketing shared by many private and independent schools and their need to have a more consistent, proactive marketing strategy.   […]

Slow and Steady: Using Inbound Methodology to Grow Enrollment and Admissions in Private Schools2017-10-23T16:59:16-04:00
16 Oct

Tailoring your School’s Website for the Inbound Methodology


As a school administrator, you have thought through every aspect of your institution. You know the education level you want to provide to the student body; you know the types of families who will best fit your environment; you know the connection your staff has to their focus areas. Every detail about how your school operates has been carefully considered and planned. There’s just one thing you know needs improvement: student attraction and retention rates. Private and charter schools live [...]

Tailoring your School’s Website for the Inbound Methodology2017-10-23T16:58:59-04:00
16 Oct

Why Organic Search Is Vital To Your Company’s Survival


If you’re running business in today’s market you’ve most likely heard the term “SEO” or Search Engine Optimization. Like many business owners you want to know two things: What in the world is SEO? Does my business need SEO? If you are not asking these questions you’re behind the curve. […]

Why Organic Search Is Vital To Your Company’s Survival2017-10-23T17:02:24-04:00
16 Sep

4 Areas to Test When Landing Page Conversion Rates Are Low


Several months ago I started a series on common problems you could be experiencing with your social media efforts and today I’m wrapping it up.  A lot of businesses want to know about increasing social engagement or getting the most out of social advertising, but what about inbound marketing? After all, social media is just one part of an online business strategy, so it makes sense to cover the topic that’s on every business owner’s mind: Leads. […]

4 Areas to Test When Landing Page Conversion Rates Are Low2017-10-23T17:10:00-04:00
16 Sep

3 Inbound Marketing Steps For Financial Advisors


Financial advisors, wealth managers, investment brokers: are traditional marketing efforts not producing the results you want? Are you seeing the majority of your clients come through referrals, but they’re not exactly the ideal client you want to work with? If so, it may be time to rethink your marketing plan. Inbound marketing is providing the right content to the right person at the right […]

3 Inbound Marketing Steps For Financial Advisors2017-10-23T17:10:00-04:00
16 Sep

Marketing to THAT Generation: Millennials


As a social media agency, Posse is mostly comprised of millennials. Does that scare you? No, wait! Marketing to millennials isn’t as scary as you think. It’s actually easier to utilize inbound marketing with millennials than other generations. With our first-hand experience, we can tell you exactly how to get your message across, and why inbound marketing is the perfect solution. Who they are Millennials get the illustrative futuristic title of the century. So what exactly are they and why [...]

Marketing to THAT Generation: Millennials2017-10-23T17:17:53-04:00
16 Sep

The 5 Mistakes You’re Making with Your Digital Content


As part of our Learning Series, we’ve written five blogs and hosted a Lunch & Learn event to answer inbound marketing questions. We’ve been stressing five main content errors that businesses tend to make on their social media profiles and provided solutions to those problems. Ready to make your digital strategy as polished as possible? Here are the five common digital marketing mistakes and tips on how to fix them. 1. Making Your Business Your Message   You know every aspect [...]

The 5 Mistakes You’re Making with Your Digital Content2017-08-29T16:07:06-04:00
16 Sep

Making the Most of Your Google+ Account


In the past, Google+ has kind of been the redheaded stepchild of social media platforms. Despite the search engine giant’s reach and influence, they’ve yet to make it big with a successful social network. Although it boasts more than 2.5 billion profiles, according to Statistic Brain, only 375 million users are active (October 2013 data), 55% of them being here in the states.  A huge percentage of profiles have never been used, because right from the start, Google automatically created [...]

Making the Most of Your Google+ Account2017-10-23T17:06:06-04:00
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