17 Mar

Reporting Matters: Inbound Manager


So you just launched your new inbound marketing campaign, congrats! Now, what? How do you know if it’s working? Ongoing observations of analytics and reports are the best way to measure campaign performance. To some, they seem intimidating. With a little research (and by knowing what to look for) you can simplify it. […]

Reporting Matters: Inbound Manager2017-10-23T17:18:10-04:00
17 Mar

The Gift of Effective Imagery


Graphics tell stories, convey feelings, create awareness and capture moments. Some, though, do just the opposite. Photography, graphic design and imagery is an enormous part of the social media manager’s life. Whether it’s telling your story, communicating emotion or creating brand awareness, everyone can appreciate effective design.   […]

The Gift of Effective Imagery2018-02-09T11:35:10-05:00
17 Mar

DIY Social Media: Instagram Stories


In August of last year, Instagram launched their response to Snapchat, called “Stories.” Images or videos taken in the Instagram app can be added to your Story, which lasts 24 hours and can be viewed by those who follow or view your profile. […]

DIY Social Media: Instagram Stories2017-09-30T18:54:16-04:00
17 Mar

What to Expect When Working With a Digital Agency


Once you sign that dotted line, the real work begins. Your efforts should now be focused on providing information to your agency, both proactively and reactively, and assessing their performance. But, how can you possibly grade the work an agency puts in for your business? We’ve tried to simplify the process by outlining the 3 Rs: Reporting, Responsiveness, and Revisions. […]

What to Expect When Working With a Digital Agency2018-05-11T12:35:02-04:00
16 Dec

Reporting Matters: Inbound Marketing Manager


There are many valuable metrics to provide insight that will allow you to dig deep into the performance of your marketing efforts. Let’s look at the 3 main metrics every inbound marketing manager will need to track. Pro Tip: Using a tool such as Hubspot to create and monitor your marketing efforts is a time efficient and cost effective decision. Hubspot ties all of the campaign analytics together and presents them on an easy-to-use dashboard. There are other tools available [...]

Reporting Matters: Inbound Marketing Manager2017-10-23T17:10:58-04:00
16 Nov

A Digital Marketing Day of Gratitude


The digital world is heavily integrated into every aspect of our lives. It is difficult to imagine that there was ever a day that we were without it. Integrating the internet into society was not an automatic process. It has taken years for some people to learn how to use the world wide web and even longer for them to trust it. The internet and social media have dramatically changed the way that we market, research, interact and do business. [...]

A Digital Marketing Day of Gratitude2017-10-23T17:10:57-04:00
16 Nov

Financial Advisors: Building Trust, Leads, and SEO


“Inbound marketing strategies open the doorway for creating valuable content that is easily found online by your ideal client. Your potential clients have needs that only you can provide solutions for.  They are seeking information, from a trustworthy source, that will educate them. […]

Financial Advisors: Building Trust, Leads, and SEO2017-10-23T17:17:53-04:00
16 Nov

Content Marketing Calendars:  Organizing Your Strategy


We’ve all been in meetings where the dreaming happens.  It’s all sunshine, butterflies, and unicorns.  The higher-ups share their vision as you nod your head in agreement and add a comment or two.  You can really see the proposed plan working and the benefits.  Ideas are coming at you left and right inside your head.  Then reality slaps you in the face because it’s time for you dig in your heels, write the goals, make the plan, develop the content, [...]

Content Marketing Calendars:  Organizing Your Strategy2017-10-12T13:54:55-04:00
16 Nov

Content Marketing Calendars: Organizing Your Strategy


We’ve all been in meetings where the dreaming happens. It’s all sunshine, butterflies, and unicorns. The higher-ups share their vision as you nod your head in agreement and add a comment or two. You can really see the proposed plan working and the benefits. Ideas are coming at you left and right inside your head. Then reality slaps you in the face because it’s time for you dig in your heels, write the goals, make the plan, develop the content, [...]

Content Marketing Calendars: Organizing Your Strategy2017-10-23T17:17:53-04:00
16 Nov

12 Days of Digital Marketing: A Giveaway


Here at Posse, we are getting geared up for the holidays! Which means, you and your business should too. Don’t worry, we’re here to help. We will be doing 12 days of giveaways through the season. We will be giving away inbound assistance as well as social media assistance for FREE! All of our offers are listed below and you’re not going to want to miss out! Website Grader With a website grader, we will run your website through a [...]

12 Days of Digital Marketing: A Giveaway2017-08-22T00:25:04-04:00
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