Pinterest has 150 million monthly users and is currently the 3rd largest social media platform. Because each Pin can link directly back to your website, it is a valuable tool for generating website traffic.

Here are tips for making the most of your brand’s Pinterest account:

Profile Optimization

When you’re first getting started on Pinterest for business, make sure that you correctly optimize your profile. Create a business account that includes a link to your website, a complete “about you” section, and a high-resolution logo. Each board that you create should have SEO-friendly titles and descriptions as well. This should line up with what your ideal customers will be searching for so that your Pins show up in their searches.

You should also optimize your website to work with Pinterest. A Pinterest tag is a piece of code that is placed in the back end of your website. It allows Pinterest to gather valuable insights, track conversions, and build and optimize audiences. You can learn how to add the Pinterest tag to your website here, or you can have your web team set it up for you.


The most important component to any Pinterest post is the image or graphic. You want to post compelling, quality photos or videos that clearly display your product or service in a good light. Each image you post is a reflection of your brand.

According to Hootsuite, lifestyle images receive 30% more clicks and 170% higher purchase rates than product-only images. So as much as possible, use photos that show your product in action.

The size of the image you use is also important. 80% of Pinterest users are on mobile when they access the app, so images need to be optimized for smaller screens. Use vertical, 600 x 900-pixel images. The images can be taller, but shouldn’t exceed 1560 pixels tall.


In The Caption

While images are very important on Pinterest, you can’t neglect the caption! Use the description of the Pin to give users the details of what they will find when they click through the Pin. Keywords are important to include as well because they will help your Pins show up in Pinterest searches. We recommend creating 150 to 300-word captions for your Pins.

On The Image

It is more than okay to include a little bit of text on the image itself. A short bit of text that can give Pinners an immediate idea of what the Pin is about is ideal. Don’t go overboard, however. Most Pinners will avoid images that look too busy.


If you want to get your Pins seen by more people quickly, Promoted Pins, which is Pinterest’s ads format, are a great way to go. According to Pinterest data, advertisers get around 20% more organic clicks following the launch of a Promoted Pins ad campaign, which means you’re actually getting more engagement and exposure than what you initially pay for.

Promoted Pins can be used to increase in-store sales, drive sales online, boost traffic to your website, and get more eyes on your brand. You can learn more about creating Pinterest ads here.

Don’t forget to add relevant keywords when creating Promoted Pins! It is recommended that you use 20-30 short and long-tail keywords in your ad. This will help your Promoted Pins show up in more searches as well as in the right searches.


With a dedicated Pinterest content calendar, you can make sure that you are posting consistently to the platform. Most automated schedulers like Buffer or Hootsuite make it easy to schedule Pins. You want to make sure to post at the right time to get the most engagement. Most people are not going to be active on Pinterest during weekday working hours. Create a posting schedule that includes posting on the weekends and during after work hours, 8 pm to 11 pm, for example.

Are you ready to add Pinterest to your social media strategy? A dedicated social media manager can help you create unique pins, a dedicated posting schedule, and an ads strategy to help you get the most out of Pinterest!

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