This question has a really simple answer, and anyone with even limited access to a computer knows it. So, why should you be monitoring the online reputation of your business or brand? Because… the Internet.

The Internet and social media have given everyone a platform to post their opinions, whether positive or negative, about anything they want.

Did someone have slow service at the restaurant they dined at? You can bet they’ll post about it on Facebook. Did a product ordered online exceed their expectations? You’ll likely see a five-star review show up on Amazon.

Whether or not your business or brand has a presence on social media

(and you really should), you’re probably being talked about online in some way.

Don’t you think you should be monitoring what’s being said so that you can manage the negative feedback and promote the positive?

The answer, obviously, is ABSOLUTELY, and here’s why:

Negative (And Positive) Engagement

Fact: customers are going to tell you exactly what they think about you whether you like it or not.

All you can do is monitor the channels they’re using and respond to their comments. You should monitor all social platforms and your website for mentions. Here’s a quick rundown of what you need to check:

Facebook: Tags or mentions in statuses, pictures, etc., reviews, and posts to your page.

Twitter: Direct messages and @ mentions

Google+: Comments and reviews (Note: take care to monitor this carefully, since

Google reviews can show up in search results.)

LinkedIn: Mentions and comments

Your website: if you have comments turned on for your blog, be sure you’re monitoring and responding to them

Bonus tip: Set up a Google alert for yourself. Google constantly crawls the web and will email you any time your keywords are mentioned anywhere!
Unless the comments are completely inappropriate or especially vulgar, don’t delete them.

Respond to negative comments or reviews with an appropriate resolution if you can. You should also respond to positive feedback with gratitude. Let them know you appreciate that they took the time to give you a good review!


According to Kissmetrics, transparency is:

  • Allowing employees to talk about products and services publicly
  • Establishing a 1-to-1 communication channel
  • Asking for feedback
  • Not hiding criticism, and addressing it publicly

Transparency in the age of social media is critical to managing your brand’s reputation. As mentioned above, let there be both positive and negative feedback on social media, and don’t let the negative comments go unaddressed.

Let your customers and online audience know that you’re listening to them, and are willing to work with them to fix problems that arise concerning your business or brand.

Opportunity to React

Monitoring your online reputation gives you the chance to react before it’s too late and things really get out of control.

If you don’t extinguish the flame when it’s lit, it has the potential to turn into a wildfire that’s much harder to put out.

Reputation management also gives you the opportunity to learn more about your target audience and change your message to fit that demographic. Take every positive and negative comment and review as a chance to grow and become better.

Who has time for all of that (while running a business)?

If you’re a business owner or manager, you likely don’t have the time that’s needed to consistently manage the online reputation of your company.

That’s where a dedicated social media management company, like Posse, comes in handy.

We’ve got the resources and time it takes to ensure your business’s or brand’s image stays authentic and positive. Check out our services page here for more information.