It seems like just a few years ago social media networks were a new trend being integrated into marketing plans for businesses. Today, businesses who lack a social media presence, are doing a great disservice to themselves. There are many benefits to social media marketing, such as improved sales, increased exposure, increased traffic, and loyal fans. Here are some steps to take as you begin your social media strategy.

Choose your Target Audience

Having a plan in place is important, not only in the corporate and business world, but also for your company’s social media strategy.

One of  the most important elements in developing a healthy and strong social media network is figuring out the target audience that you’re trying to reach. While knowing your target audience is great, understanding where they came from and how to find them is just as critical.

Know your Goal

First things first, make sure you have a clear goal in mind. What is your company trying to accomplish by having a social media presence? It should be very clear, and reflect the goals of the company as a whole.

Find your Target Market

Numerous companies starting their social media campaigns think they know exactly who they are trying to reach, even without doing any prior analysis.

You must ask yourself several questions to narrow down your target audience:

  1. What demographic are you trying to reach?
  2. What motivates customers to buy our company’s products?
  3. What is our customer’s online behavioral process?

It’s a Two-Way Street

Remember to always listen and engage with your audience. This cannot be said enough, and a lot of companies fail to do these two things. Hear what your audience is saying and engage with an insightful post or comment. This is key to maintaining and creating new relationships with your audience.