Influencers can be a powerful tool to use in your digital marketing strategy. They connect your brand with your target customer and drive traffic to your site. Their recommendation can sell your products and boost your brand’s message across social media platforms.

How often do you read reviews before buying something online? Do you ever make a purchase because you saw it on a celebrity’s Instagram or read about it from your favorite blogger?

That’s essentially the root of influencer marketing.

Buffer said it best:

Want to tap into the huge potential audience influencers provide? Here are 4 basic steps to get you started:

1. Identify Influencers

You probably won’t be able to get Kim Kardashian or Taylor Swift to endorse you right off the bat. When you start your influencer list, research people who are in your industry, who have a narrow focus and an attentive following. These subject matter experts will draw in the audience that you have targeted to be actually interested in what your business has to offer.

2. Build Relationships

Once your list is built, you’ll want to start reaching out to them. Engage with them on their blog or via social media. Let them see that you’re a real person and that you are interested in what they do. The better connection you have with them before you present your offer, the better the chance you have they’ll be interested in working with you.

Be personal in your communications with the experts on your list. Acknowledge them as a subject matter expert, and be familiar with their work. Make it clear that you care about more than just what you are going to be getting out of the business relationship.

3. Be Open & Honest

“Tell them exactly what you want them to do and what you’ll do for them in return.” (Skyword)

Make sure that everyone involved is on the same page when it comes to your strategy. Manage expectations – your influencer should know what you expect from them and vice versa. As you discuss yours and your expert’s goals, you will be able to collaborate in a way that satisfies both parties’ needs.

In addition to having open and honest communication, be sure not to demand content from your expert. Request instead, and ask if they would be interested in completing the task and if they have any feedback or suggestions about the task.

4. Let Them Do Their Thing

First, make sure your expert has access to all of the information and materials they need, from white papers to interviews to e-books, anything they will need to understand your brand’s point of view.

Once they have your information and ideas, they will able to be creative on their own. Allow them to create the content in their own tone and voice. Their audience follows them for a reason, so let them do what they do best.

Add It To Inbound

Your influencer marketing plan can fit seamlessly into your digital inbound marketing strategy. One of the most important aspects of inbound marketing is attracting potential customers to your site through different types of informative content. Having a popular subject matter expert endorse your brand will easily attract your target audience and help convert them into customers.