Recently, online review sites like Yelp and Angies’s List have been drawing a ton of attention for the power they posses when it comes to influencing consumer buying habits. With WiFi available at every turn, the power of persuasion now exists at everyone’s finger tips. The tools of this new found mobility are of course smart phones and tablets. Both provide users with the ability to leave lightening fast comments which in turn are immediately visible for all to see. As the old saying goes “once its out there its out there for good.”

Whether it be your local restaurant or a national company more and more people are jumping online and sharing both positive and negative comment regarding their service experience. More importantly, this feedback is getting the attention of the NEW consumer. They in turn are absorbing and sharing this information at light speed via social platforms like Facebook and Twitter. If they have a positive experience at a favorite bistro their announcing that to friends, colleagues and anyone who might be searching for a fine dining experience. The flip side of that is of course the negative review, a few choice words or a poor star rating and its done. Its this online dialogue that can damage businesses the most! Now combine that with a business owner who’s not paying attention and you can see where the title of this articles comes into play.

Enter the new world of Online Reputation Management.

Its now quite clear that business owners can no longer just brush aside online reviews. These short online buzz sessions not only loiter but become part of your businesses DNA. So for most consumers unfamiliar with your business its the review that becomes the difference maker in gaining or losing their business.

Now it is true that most try to be objective but the shear nature of the online experience dictates that you have to rely on others. Online searches provide an overall impression of your business through the eyes of a perceived neutral party and for most that’s all they need. For better or worse online reviews or comments deliver a sense of immediate proof!

Lets touch on a few ways business owners can protect their online image.

  • Be proactive when it comes to your online reviews
  • Monitor sites like Yelp, Angies List and Foursquare regularly
  • Respond to poor reviews, listen and make changes if neccessary
  • Don’t overreact to complaints that show up on page three or four of Google
  • Encourage you clients to leave reviews and feedback good and bad
  • Participate and monitor Social Media, have your best advocates engaged

Of course these steps outlined here may seem pretty simple and they are but its the necessary actions steps that make this powerful. Business owners now more then ever need to make time for their online clients! After all, it is this customer base that will truly shape the landscape of business for years to come. With that said, are you listening to your customers?