Are You Up to the Challenge?

For those of you who haven’t heard, November has been proclaimed National Blog Posting Month. As a means of shortening – and perhaps helping it to catch on – the name has been shortened to the moniker NaBloPoMo. While this version leaves one wondering what the thought behind it might have been, the main thought that comes to mind involves figuring out what it means to you. Come on, a national blogging month? Really? Actually, the thought behind it is quite interesting.

The challenge of posting to one’s blog at least once each day may not sound like much of a challenge. You might be surprised though at how rarely many blog owners post. Some blogs languish with little to no attention leaving owners wondering exactly why they are getting no traffic. Enter NaBloPoMo. With the current configurations of search engine algorithms such as Google’s Panda and Penguin updates, the hard and fast rule is that the sites producing the most consistent and highest quality content will get the best ranking.

That being said, what chance does the average blog author have of competing with big name sites? This is in part what getting involved in NaBloPoMo could help. By rising to the challenge and making sure you are posting quality content throughout the month of November you may just be surprised at the potential it offers for the advancement of your site within the search engine ranks.

So – what do we think of NaBloPoMo here at Posse Social Media? Put it to you this way… We feel that it is a great idea that should be readily embraced. As such, we are setting out our own challenge for followers of our site who might also own a blog. Post to your blog every day for the month of November. Make sure to drop your site name in the comments here. At the end of the month we will hold a drawing with prizes ranging from a free copy of our Pinterest for Businesses ebook to Posse Social Media t-shirts. Now get out there and enjoy blogging!