Whether you have created your blog as a way to vent to the world or you are trying to draw more people to your business odds are that you can always do with more readers. No matter how MUCH content you push out if you can’t snag and hold onto your readers’ attention they will most definitely click away to something that will draw them in. You have to find a way to get them to actually WANT to read what you are posting if you want to get more readers for your blog. Here are some tips to help you draw those readers farther in and convert them into dedicated readers.

The Headline Says It All

Try to come up with a title that will help draw people’s attention. People read over titles before ever deciding to open up an article or post. If your title is bland or buried way down in a list because it just can’t stand out, then you will never get readers. You will be writing for your eyes only. Make sure that your title can really reach out and grab people’s attention so that they will come in looking to see what it is all about.

Light a Fire Under Your Readers

Many readers simply cruise the RSS waves looking for topics that might suit their fancy. You have to make them actually stop and take a minute to find out if you actually just said what you did. Go ahead and press some buttons. Make people WANT to add their input to your post. Make them have to stop and read more. You need to be able to do this in the first couple of sentences though or else you have lost already.

Knowledge is Power

The more you know about your topic, the better prepared you will be to make a point. Your readers will be able to tell if you are knowledgeable or if you are simply blowing smoke. You might be able to blow some mean smoke but it is a great way for readers to lose interest and not come back again.

Own Your Posts

Make sure that you spend some time to insert your own personality into your writing. Dry copy loses readers in a hurry. Don’t be afraid of personal pronouns like I, me, we, etc. Let people know what YOU think on the subject or how YOU feel. This can lead to a stronger connection with your readers thus drawing them back to read more of your posts.

End at the End

Posting something that goes on and on with no discernible end is a terrific way to bore someone to tears and leave them avoiding any further writings. Decide exactly how you want to end your post and stick to it. Do not ramble endlessly.

Stick to each of these points and you will find that writing copy that draws readers will become easier than you realize. While there is always a few loose ends such as adding in proper linkage and a bit of search engine optimization, these tips will certainly have you writing – or typing – in the right direction.