Are you getting frustrated looking for a new job and not having any results? Are you following the same old process of replying to a job listed on the company’s website and never hearing from the employer? Maybe it’s time to try a new route in finding your new career! Social media websites provide more than just catching up with old friends these days. They are also a way to connect with prospective employers and find out about their day to day routine on a more personal basis. The top social media websites to help with your job search would be Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Most companies now have a Facebook page to promote their product or service. This is an easy way for you to become a fan of their Facebook page and keep up to date with what’s going on internally. Once you’re connected, you can LIKE their status updates, pictures, comment on their wall, etc and this could help the employer start to recognize your name. You’ll also start to learn about company news and see if it might be a place you’d fit in. A lot of times, they will post job openings on their Facebook page before placing them on external job sites.

Being active on Twitter can also help you connect with a company and its employers. Here, you’re able to follow a company’s Twitter page, follow some of their employers and see what type of dynamics their workplace provides. You can reply to their tweets and even retweet their posts to make your name stand out. Some will even post current job openings on their page.

LinkedIn is more of a professional social media site. Most people are connecting with each other for business purposes. If you’re able to find out who’s looking at resumes at a particular company, look them up on LinkedIn and connect with them. You’ll be able to find out more personal information here than you would on Facebook or Twitter. LinkedIn is also where a lot of recruiters hang out. If you’re profile is complete and up to date, the better chance you have of employers and recruiters finding you.

No matter which social media site you choose, or if you choose all three, be sure to keep your profile page and comments G rated. Having offensive content on your own page can make a prospective employer remember you for all the wrong reasons.