With the need for social media policies in the work place, human resource nightmares can occur before you know it. Trying to keep pace with ever changing issues with labor laws, quality and certification requirements alone can certainly be challenging. Now, throw in the newest and greatest technological advances in internet usage along with a multitude of social media platforms, and you can have a real nightmare. Companies will have their human resources departments and leadership attempting to keep their heads from exploding, especially in the beginning. The benefit of developing and having a social media presence far outweighs the problems that can occur however.

People are savvy to what they can have and a great many of them have their chosen social media platforms that they use to talk with friends and family. This is a wonderful way for people to exchange information and stay in touch, but it can be a problematic area for companies. Companies have to respect the rights of their employees, but what do they do about those that share information with others that is proprietary or derogatory to others where they work?

These are issues that human resource and leaders are finding that they have to contend with. Not only do companies have to abide by federal laws, but state laws as well. Add an international component and it can really get sticky for many companies. Yet, the benefits of using social media for businesses can far outweigh some of the negativity that can occur. These benefits can include continued growth, networking, and customer satisfaction as well as many other areas of use.

Once hired employees should be instructed on company policies surrounding social media issues. Any time a policy is changed the employees will need to be reeducated on the changes made and how this affects them. Documentation is of prime importance for companies that may experience such problems. Researching, reviewing and keeping abreast of the changes that occur with labor laws will give companies a foot up when it comes to issues surrounding social media not connected with the work place.

Understanding the rights of both the employer and employees makes the job of working through issues easier. Don’t wait until there is a problem and then think that it is a simple fix saves you from having a human resource nightmare. Create your company centered social media policy today, and make sure your company is protected from potential issues down the road.