Are We Addicted to Getting the Word Out ASAP?

Society has long had a fascination with gossip. We have all spent time in the checkout lines at the supermarket staring at the train wrecks that are the so-called headlines screaming back about who is dating whom and what star has made a public spectacle of him or herself. This sort of “reporting” has been going on for quite a long time – much longer than anyone might realize. Today, however, things have taken an even harder turn into left field.

Where we once had to wait for the weekly papers to come out to get our fix of the latest celebrity gossip we now have social media primed and ready to deliver it at the simple push of a button or click of a mouse. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram – all these social media outlets make sharing the world easier than it has ever been. For better or worse.

Everyone knows the ongoing saga of the Kardashians. We know the latest celebrity to enter, and exit, rehab. We see pics, read tweets, scroll through posts and fill our noggins with the knowledge that could be best left at that checkout line. What is it about this sort of gossip that draws us in, and does social media make it that much easier for us to become addicted to keeping up with it?

Our grandparents and their parents before them had to wait to get their news. Once, getting a story could literally take weeks. Now we can keep up to the second with the goings on of the world. While this could be good in some situations, in others it is quite disturbing. Who really needs to know what happened to Snooki two seconds ago?

Sometimes we have to remember that it is important to take a step back from our electronics. Put down the iPad, smartphones, laptops, etc. Take a deep breath and remember that we have our own lives to live. Do not let yourself get caught up in the snare of instant gratification that online gossip can offer. It is a path that once traveled down can lead to a world of angst and aggravation. Keep your social media experience pure and positive.

Enjoy communicating with others without worrying over little gossipy details. Use social media for the purpose which it was created – to be social in a positive manner. Try it and you will see just how much better you will start to feel each time you step away from your device.