Can you feel that? It’s the mobile advertising train leaving the station and you’re not on it! That’s right in case you missed it, 2012 is officially known as the year that mobile goes mainstream and for us it certainly has been a long time coming. As each week and month rolls on so does the number of mobile campaigns launched. More and more businesses are seeing the value of bulk SMS as they focus their marketing strategies in a way that reaches clients where they live, their smartphone.

Okay so let’s get back to the doughnut giant. You may have heard of them Dunkin Donuts!

Well a few months back they decided to jump into the world of SMS so to speak by launching their own text messaging campaign geared towards its younger customers, and the results were pretty amazing.

The Boston area was the test market, and the campaign was pretty straight forward. The mechanism used to spread the word was a local DJ who advertised the text message promo on its station. It also combined the promo with several online website ads that directed people to opt-in. The results were stunning as glazed eyed doughnut lovers headed out to their local DD stores in droves! This initial effort delivered more than 7, 500 consumers opting in to the Dunkin Donuts campaign.

  • Boston locations saw in-store traffic increase by 21%
  • Of the participants 17% either forwarded or showed the text message to a friend or colleague
  • Matter of fact 35% of these customer said they would be more likely to buy more lattes and coffee related products from DD because of the text message campaigns
  • The 21% increase in store traffic was directly related to the text message promotion

Once again here’s real proof that done correctly an SMS campaign can drive really big results! The question now remains – what are you waiting for?