Instagram is a social networking and photo sharing service. This service is still fairly new, since only being launched in 2010 but it currently has over 100 million users. The program lets a user upload photos and share them via other social networking systems such as Facebook and twitter.

Images have always been a powerful way to capture the world’s attention. The old saying “a picture is worth a thousand words” applies to Instagram since the use of pictures is a major function. Shareable pictures are not the only way businesses can use Instagram – they can include links in the photo’s comment section and post their comments and photos on other social networks.

Adding hashtags and location tags helps your customers find for your photos. Create galleries of images or interactive maps to let your viewer know where photos are being taken and go a step further by using photos you post on Instagram in other forms of publication. Attract a larger audience by featuring guest photographers and expanding your reach by sharing your images via other social networks. Tell a story using photos and invite viewers to comment and respond. Being interactive is an important element, and the local touch makes a difference.

Nowadays since business is so competitive connecting with your customers on a more personal level is important in order to keep them feeling in touch with your products and business. If consumers have a deeper connection they will be more loyal to your products and also share your pictures and information as well which equals to more free advertising.

The benefits of Instagram include how easy it is to use, the fact it is free, and that you can connect with your customers via more social networking sites. These features make using Instagram a wise decision, and you can give your business more exposure which will hopefully lead to more revenue.

Some business owners may believe that Instagram isn’t right for them because their business isn’t visually based, but if you think creatively there are many ways you could grow through this platform. It can be useful in promoting contests and campaigns, and people love pictures – so find a way to become visual. You can use a number of programs online to help you track activity on Instagram, which means you can try things out and learn from your mistakes.

Staying in touch – with current and potential customers – is more important than ever, but thanks to the internet and social networking sites like Instagram it has never been easier to do so. The only issue is that business owners need to keep up with responding to comments and inquiries, adding new content and sharing via other social networks. Even though this may sound like a lot more work it really isn’t once your accounts are established and then it is just a matter of maintenance. Having a content strategy that includes Instagram updates from the start will ensure you never leave your profile looking empty. Get started today.