Part 3:  Inbound marketing builds relationships of trust.

In my previous blog, I discussed the need for schools to use the inbound marketing methodology to be proactive in their marketing to grow enrollment and admissions. “Slow and steady wins the race” is a mantra of many marketers. It is the consistency and steadfastness that you use that will enable your marketing to become an unstoppable force. What do schools need to do in order to become this unstoppable force? Begin building relationships of trust that extend beyond your school community.

Unfortunately, many schools are hesitant in sharing their expertise with their existing and potential community of families. What they fail to capitalize on is their ability to form relationships with current and potential parents. Now I’m not talking about sharing the top ten reasons on how to be a good parent. I’m referring to education. Why is it that parents go to their friends first and seek opinions in regards to education? They do this because this is the first time they have done this parenting thing and need help from those who have experience. As a parent myself, I know this to be true. 

Schools have credible experience.

When schools are actively sharing their knowledge and expertise of educating children by presenting it in a way that is helpful, they begin to establish trust with their audience. With a properly implemented inbound marketing strategy, schools can reach out beyond their walls and extend their influence, all while meeting enrollment and admissions goals.

Quit hiding. Get your story out. Go where your parents are. Start the conversation. Engage with your community.


Why have a website if you are not going to draw people to it? Why offer information if you are not going to let people know it is available for consumption? Why have a social media page if it is only about you and does not engage with your audience? Why expect people to come to you if you are not willing to go to them?

Schools should view the digital world as their virtual school. It needs to be treated with the same strategy and given the same attention as their physical school. Long gone are the days when a business can rely on immaculate landscaping, property choice, and well-designed signs as methods for getting a consumer to walk through the door. Before a parent ever walks through the door of a school, they have already asked their friends for information, searched your website thoroughly, and read multiple online reviews.

As much as we like to think that we don’t judge a book by its cover, we do. And so does almost everyone else. Your school’s website speaks volumes about the school. Do not give your competitors the chance to educate potential parents because your school has not communicated clearly. Inbound marketing is a customer-centric approach that helps guide the website strategy process so that the needs of your families and potential families are proactively addressed.  

Sewickley Academy, a private school in Pennsylvania, has one of the best private school websites that follows an inbound strategy. You don’t need to be a parent at this school in order to have concerns addressed that you might have. They use their expertise and knowledge to help every parent, myself included, and I live hundreds of miles away.

When a school takes an active role in the curation of content and getting it in front of the right audience, they will lead the conversation amongst community members and parents. Blogs, videos, podcasts, webinars, etc., are all important formats to use when reaching your families, both current and potential. Take control of the flow of information by using unique URLs in  your social media posts as a way to lead visitors back to your school website. This will give users the opportunity to learn more about your school.


Strategically-developed content that leads to landing pages and offers more valuable information in exchange for the user’s contact information will allow the school to offer content that will further nurture and move potential families through the sales funnel and through the doors to your school.

Use Inbound to Influence Positive W.O.M. Marketing

One of the downsides of a school relying solely on word-of-mouth marketing is that they do not know if the information being shared is accurate or positive. School administrators don’t always have control over what influencers are going to say. By forming a content strategy with the goal of  helping their audience, they are able to promote accurate information and positive conversation. A strategy to promote positive conversation is important, but also high on the list should be a strategy to address negative conversation.


In today’s marketing landscape, it is important that administrators and teachers embrace storytelling to educate the current school families, as well as any potential families. They can help tell their stories accurately through video, parent testimonials, updates, and any other method that easily communicates the culture of the school and connects emotionally with the user. People love to share content and information that they connect to emotionally and inbound methodology provides that perfect strategy allowing you to reach the right people at the right time. In turn, this helps to promote and spread positive conversation about your school.

School administrators should not assume that just because the school offers a good education with small class sizes that parents and students are going to enthusiastically go and tell their friends. If schools want to be talked about, it is important to provide the influencers with the methods and information to do so.

Don’t Forget: Slow and Steady Wins the Race

Relationships are built over time, and parents don’t leave their most prized possessions in the hands of someone they do not trust. Consistently promoting your school and encouraging conversation shows people that you have confidence in your abilities as an educator. They understand why you are different and how their lives will be different if they invest in your school.

The resources available today allow your school to have a greater presence in conversations with accurate information and with a much broader audience than ever before. This reach, when utilized accurately, will set your school apart from the competition and will position your school as the expert in the education community.  


People look for consistency. They don’t want to invest in a school that only applies effort, or sprints, through the enrollment season. They want to see consistent effort year round. Providing this consistency instills a sense of safety for those at your school and for those looking at your school. It also shows them that you have invested in your school and that you know that what you have to offer is worth the sacrifice.  

It takes time.  It takes patience.  It takes consistency.  But it works. “Slow and steady wins the race.”