Just because you have worked hard and built your website doesn’t mean that there is any guarantee you will have traffic coming to your site. If you’re willing to spend money, then yes, traffic will come to your site. However, if that isn’t possible, bringing in traffic can be quite challenging, to say the least!

There is lots of competition on the Internet, as we all know from experience. The truth is that the top 3 on Google search receive approximately 58% of clicks and these are unpaid positions. Optimizing sites on the second page are even less with a 1.5% rating.

If you think about it, your best solution is having good content in your articles while striving for unique quality that stands on its own. This will bring people to your website and the better your information, the more that they will come back for more and the more likely it is that they will buy what you’re hawking (assuming you are selling anything at all). Here are a few ideas that might solve this problem and bring more customers to your site.

Well Written Articles

You need original articles; this cannot be expressed enough. Considering how valuable this is to your website and how little it costs to write, this is a great source to keep your expenses down while still branding your company.

Some articles might be written towards methods for solving problems, or instructional articles, how to articles, or insights on people’s views. Check out some of the formats that you might consider using:

  • Guidebooks
  • How to Books
  • How to Articles
  • Check list for travel, business, personal use
  • Essays – describing information that is needed
  • How to have a successful interview
  • How do dress well
  • How to impress

Always try and grab readers with the first word. This is almost like writing a newspaper article. The more attention you bring to the headlines, the better the results will be. For example: “Five ways to write a good article” or “Five ways to dress for success”…. Well, you get the idea.

Use humor and above all use a very authoritative voice so readers know you mean business. It is best to avoid using any information that will date your article though and build around search engines (keywords) will definitely make an impact on your article.

Keep your article concise and to the point. That way the information is easy to understand and makes sense to the reader. This will bring more traffic to your website.


E-books deserve a special mention because they are like articles on steroids. If you are enough of an expert in your field, you can start pushing out e-books which can be downloaded freely, used as an incentive for traffic to do things like sign up with a newsletter or sold for cash. Make sure you have a well written and informative e-book though because people tend to expect far more from them than they would from an article.


Another excellent way to bring viewers to your site is to do videos or Podcasts. This is quite new, but they benefit your site and make it shine, compared to other sites that don’t offer these advantages. Anyone can afford a video camera: video cameras range around $100 to $500, depending on how powerful you want it to be. You would also need a (USB) microphone which might set you back about $20.00 to $200.00; again, depending on what microphone works the best for you.

Try to keep your video segments under 3 minutes. When you do any type of audio it is advisable to keep your time frame between 5 to 15 minutes per show.

These are some examples for videos and podcasts:

  • Question and answer sessions
  • Demonstrations of products
  • Webinars
  • Interviews (pertinent to your discussions)
  • Training procedures
  • Discussions (panel or individual)

Make sure that each video or podcast is branded with your logo or any prominent feature that represents what you are talking about. The video can then be promoted on You Tube, Metacafe, or Vimeo. Vital to any successful video or podcast is that you can pass it along to links thereby embedding it on other websites and downloading to audios through ITunes or Podcast.com. These are very well known for any type of distributing factors that can build your site to greater heights.

Community Love

Don’t forget that blogs, comments, or forums of any type, work well for any website. This attracts people to your site because getting comments or ratings helps them decide if they are interested or helps them make a decision if they want to use your site. This is a great source for getting people to your sites, especially if they can give additional insights on an item or subject, plus it makes your site interesting to read.

These types of solutions can add discussion and create, plus enhance support for prospective customers and buyers, by better communication they can learn to trust your site, thereby, returning to your site for good information. You and your team are something that they can reckon with and build a trust from your site to any reader is what’s important to get more traffic to your site.

Offering a two-way channel is important because you are staying on top of what people are looking for in a site, plus handing them important information at the same time. Keeping up with new trends and interests is imperative in any business. Updating is also imperative to keep your site alive and interesting.


Try adding visual aspects to any site; these are extremely important to make a good impression when people visit your site. Using diagrams, charts, or info graphics will be great visual aids. Informational graphs make things easy to read; examples include signs, maps, and charts. Whether you make one from computer generation or do any type of hand drawn method, this visual aid might help people to understand what you are trying to get across. This is also a great way to have some fun and to share this type of information on your site, making it easier for customers or clients to understand the points that you are getting across. Some good ideas would be to illustrate buying habits, customer favorites, or distributing to a certain demographic population.

Problem Solving

There is always a problem that needs solving. This is why we all exist and businesses that are good solve the problems. By providing good information and being an expert in your field, you will bring more people to your front door (so to speak) and thus bring in more traffic.

Good facts and one of a kind type of information makes your audience extremely happy and entertained. They will keep coming back for more if you follow any of these strategies or all of them. Any of these can become an asset to grow your website business.