Social media is everywhere and is influencing everything – even the way we apply and interview for jobs and careers. Our LinkedIn pages give our info. Our personal Facebook pages become more toned down or we start new Facebook pages to help represent ourselves the way we want our interviewers to see us. Our Twitter followers change to include more professional contacts.

We want to present ourselves in the most professional and yet innovative way possible. In today’s world of changes in a blink of an eye what are you supposed to do to really represent yourself to potential employers and/or partners?
The answer is simple – build a visual portfolio and send it out to the digital universe.

What is a visual portfolio? It is an interactive, clickable, multimedia presentation that you can build to give your potential interviewer a look into your life and accomplishments. Things that can be included in this sort of updated resume includes videos of your achievements or representations of your work, power point presentations of past employers or school careers, pictures and more.

What makes it so special? It is not static, bland information that is set up in some dull and old fashioned format. It is rich and full of life – your life – and you can truly make it your own. Keep it as professional as you want or allow your personal life to show a little in order to share your style or even your heart. It is up to you and what you want from your life and business experience.

You might be asking, “Where can I learn more about these presentations?” Well, the answer is just about everywhere but one of the best sources we have found so far is a site called Pathbrite. It is free to sign up and you can customize your own portfolio in a million different ways. You can import charts, graphs and even comics to truly tell people who you are. It is easy to use and the possibilities are nearly endless.

You can be sure that we will be seeing a great deal more of this type of interactive and personalized portfolios and resumes from here on out. The wave of the future: you and your life for all to see. It is thought provoking to say the least!