80% of realtors are using Facebook to market their properties. By incorporating this type of social media, their advertising is free, efficient, concise, and easy. “That’s what I like about it,” says Melissa Savenko. She uses Facebook as one of her “go to” advertising fields when she is promoting open houses, listings, notifying other agents, and price drops that might bring the public to her door. With this type of economy helping to promote their practice through, social media has become a niche that is well used and helpful.

What are the five “best practices” used by realtors to promote business?

1) Using Facebook makes it easy to make connections with new clients or past clients. Katy Dinner loves Facebook. She said that she used to do the usual, hand out cards, ask for phone numbers or email addresses, now all she does is ask their name. She connects with them on Linked in or Facebook. Ms. Dinner is based out of San Francisco, owns her own real estate office and is the founder of Katy Dinner real estate. She was impressed with how easy it is to connect with people, and she remarked,: “It’s a softer way to connect, instead of sending an email.” She realized that this was a more efficient and effective way resulting in a more personal level, therefore, still keeping it business appropriate.

With that in mind, having a Facebook page that is specifically set-up for a business that your audience can see while using content with effectiveness makes it more appealing. Building your first page, the first step is to upload your fan base, then Ms. Dinner says to invite everyone, plus new friends and contacts to become fans.

Some agents still would rather use Facebook on a more personal level, opting out of a business page. Savenko said she had a Facebook business page, but realized time was not on her side. She wasn’t able to keep up with all the posts on her Facebook personal and business page. According to her, 75% were related to the business anyway, so it was better for her to combine the two together making it more time efficient.

2) Communication with a consistent flow needs to be maintained. A monthly letter seemed to keep everyone in the loop, but now with social media more prevalent, it gives you the opportunity to stay on top constantly, going in all different directions and getting more exposure.

Ms. Dinner keeps personal connections by posting two times a week; her clients know that she has business on a constant basis. She does a listing, then with a related article, plus a piece of data that is relevant to that listing. She uses an RSS feed that automatically shares 4 to 5 blogs that are shared on her Facebook page, keeping updated information always out there for people to see. This is the new era of how to network, intertwined with the old ways too. She said, “I always keep my page fresh with a picture banner that shows all the recent properties that she has sold — changing it out every few months. She wants people to know that she is busy and is getting business all the time.

Even if you are new at Facebook, or new using it for your business, always mix it up with some real estate in it or whatever type of business that you have. Related posts about your personal life is an added touch, that way you’re “out there” mingling with your extended networking, which is a great opportunity to get more business.

It’s not a good idea to bombard friends, or family with your work, but if you do, at least tell them what you do, that leaves the door open, especially with business related people.

Wearing your badge online has become popular, instead of wearing a badge on your jacket everywhere. More exposure, Ms. Dinner explained.

3) Marketing approach needs freshening up? Use Facebook too! Setting up your blogging automatically to each new post that is on Facebook is a great marketing strategy.

Additionally, any emailing can be integrated on Facebook. Ms Dinner uses Contact’s Facebook app to compose and write her newsletters, making it available to her friends, family, and associates.

Marketing a new listing can be spread throughout your social media chain. Ms. Dinner has also mentioned that by using different leads to expose a certain listing, gives more coverage to the house. What she does is show the front of the house on the MLS, email pictures of the kitchen, Facebook posts the view, and Facebook Ad shows the garden. You get the idea.

4) Ads on Facebook are another option to get people in the right direction, marketing yourself, as well as listing; this becomes a good tool to use.

When speaking directly to your audience, make sure your wording is concise and write clear with targeted ads. Designing your ads properly is more beneficial and will target the people that you want to reach.

Images are very important, too. Make sure they are relevant as to what you are selling, not your smiling face! Graphs also are a great tool in the mix of things. They want to check out the area where the listing is at. Ms. Dinner explained that the San Francisco area is short on garages and parking spaces so she set up a graph and showed exactly which homes displayed those features.

Fan’s friends are great to target too! The people that you have in your sphere might just become your next clients.

In this economy, it seems everyone is suffering one way or the other, so saving money is always a number one concern for everyone. Resourcefulness is the key and using any free online tools keeps money in our pockets. People need to be resourceful now using social media tools. they are imperative to keep businesses going.

5) Maintaining and Creating a Professional Image – Wise!

Being selective is the key when posting on Facebook; you don’t want pictures of people partying or acting improperly. Building trust is also important since Facebook users can be your next customer or client. Privacy settings are a must on Facebook (being selective on who you want to see what) and being well aware of pictures and posts that go on the page makes a big difference in how you present yourself.

A key factor is keeping posts upbeat, positive, and informative. The last thing anyone wants to hear or see is anything negative, especially the real estate market. “It’s been tough out there,” Ms. Dinner said. By using your education to inspire makes a lot of difference in how you come across to other people, even in tough times.