What is the first thing you do in the morning? Did you check your phone, check your email, or read the news? I am willing to bet you did at least one or all these things. The internet has become such a big part of our lives that sometimes it is hard to remember when this was not the case. I remember turning on the TV to see the morning news or listening to the local radio station in the car on the way to school. Now we go online at the start and last part of our day, and for a vast majority of us this is our outlet to the world as far as news and information goes.
Of course, it is always fun to look back and see through our modern eyes what the first generation on the internet saw when they cruised the web for the first time.

Way back in 1995 a Montana school put together a PSA about what the internet can do and what it might be possible in the future. The crazy thing is they got it right! I mean really right. As you watch you will notice not only the crazy 90’s fashions but that these kiddos are expressing ideas and concepts that we now take for granted.

We now shop online, chat to people all over the world and even are obsessed with online cats! As silly as it sounds it is true, and these kids told us about it 17 years ago. Most people who saw this little spot on TV probably thought it was cool and wanted to find out more about this new thing called the internet but never dreamed that it could be so close to the truth. Here is a link to that PSA.

I wonder what the future will hold for our internet and how our predictions will pan out almost two decades from now. Could we all be walking around constantly plugged in to the internet via a neural (brain) implant or wearing glasses that work as portable, total emersion devices? The sky is the limit if you ask me. What are your thoughts about this old video and the future of the internet as we now know it?