Once you have created your Google+ Page is done and you like what you see, you should more than likely see a posting or notice from Google that you are now officially on Google + (Yay!) This should represent that you are now your own page. This means that any type of action that you take will come from your page now. You can now update the content of your page with photos or videos or posts. Exciting news! From now one, whenever you hit “Share” your post goes on your page, bringing results that anyone following your page will see.

You also have the choice of having multiple pages. This decision depends on what type of business and if you offer several popular items that you are selling. For example, you just might want to have pages for business and one page or several for any of your products. This makes a nice presentation and marketing tool for your site. Did you know that Google already does this? An example is that an existing Gmail account is separate from Google.

Another advantage with this option is you have the choice of doing any particular events that are planned now or in the future on these pages. Unfortunately, you cannot yet detail specific events or dates, but at least you can notify others that there is one. Facebook also has this feature, but with the ability to showcase dates, but not with this style of pages, so what we want is merger of the two! I’m sure it’s coming though.

When you want to manage your pages, you need to look up any profile pictures that are shown (top left corner)-–click on the drop-down arrow. Drop down makes a list and all your pages will appear. You can then switch when logged in and be one of them. At the bottom of the menu, go to “manage your pages” which will bring the link up and will list all of your pages.

And managing multimedia is easy too. Simply enter any URL using any YouTube videos that you like or would like to put on your page and then add that video to your page without ever having to upload it manually.

Posting and managing your Google+ becomes a simple reality and keeps everything nicely organized, bringing some great advantages to any business.