In part one and two of our series of points on SEO we covered topics such as the importance of quality content, analyzing your results, staying away from so-called snake oil salesmen, keeping things simple, why pay-per-click is less than effective, and how SEO is not a magic bullet. In part three we will be discussing DIY SEO, the importance of taking things one step at a time, and more. Read on!

Point Seven

The Truth Behind Do-It-Yourself SEO

Can you actually execute your own SEO plan if you have a decent SEO skilled company helping you through planning and organization? Sure as long as you have the drive, the dedication, the time to do it and the ability to keep a very active hand in the process. Here at Posse Social Media we have a steady mix of clients who either have us run their campaigns or who have us create their campaigns and then they take the reins. This is in fact the driving reason as to why we have decided to create a social media/SEO membership program that allows businesses to realize a cost savings by have us actually train them to handle their own campaigns. Depending on the skill level of those involved as well as their ability to allocate the time and manpower to running their own social media and SEO campaigns, a company that signs on with our membership program can stand to realize a cost savings of anywhere from 20-75%!

Point Eight

One Step at a Time

It’s true that many big businesses pump out massive amounts of income in an effort to reach true Search Engine Optimization. It’s also true though that there are scaled alternatives that will allow you to increase sales and leads over time without such a huge hit to the pocketbook. A quality company will work with you to develop a scaled approach that allows you to implement your SEO/social media campaign a step at a time. Rather than wasting time and effort on trial and error, allow a quality firm to create your optimization plan first. Once this has been created you will be able to sit down and decide how to best implement your SEO strategy over time.

Point Nine

Too Good to be True Means…

SEO embraces this saying just as well as any other area of concern. Do not hang your hat on the old “let’s race to the top” mentality. As competitive as the Internet it is much better to realize a steady upward movement. Concrete gains that come in thanks to a well planned and executed strategy that is implemented incrementally will be much more stable. Why flash to the top only to crash to page six or lower within a few days or less?

Point Ten

Something to Remember

Your website, business and even your reputation can be at stake when you consider a race to the top. When others suggest so called shortcuts or means that might sound unethical then you would do well to not consider such means. It will be you, the business owner, who will be responsible for the actions of those you hire, whether an individual or an outside company. Make sure that you understand the SEO strategy that is being offered and how it is to be implemented. If you feel that some of the steps mentioned may be less than ethical simply ask. Just as ignorance is no excuse in the eyes of the law, the public is way less than forgiving when it comes to companies trying to lay the blame elsewhere.

In our final post on How Much do You Know About SEO we will examine the final two out of twelve points: incoming links and the importance of hiring a professional and experienced digital agency for your SEO needs.