The much rumored demise of mobile marketing/advertising has been pumped out across the airwaves for months now and I’m here to personally tell those pushing this message “Give It Up”! Its clearly just the opposite, mobile is here to stay. Today more so than ever people are connecting via their mobile phones, from shopping to local searches, people are connected and plugged in like we have never seen before. So much so that 48% of all users do not even shut their phones off at night.

In 2011 mobile advertising rose 12% from the previous year and for the first time in history, SMS text messaging actually surpassed talk minutes. But wait, lets review some more mobile tidbits:

  • 5.3 Billion devices are in use today globally
  • 98% of all users always have their phones within 3 feet of them at all times
  • 64% of all Americans sleep with their mobile phones in bed or bed side
  • 1/2 of them check their device in the middle of the night
  • More then half of all Americans take calls while using the bathroom…really?
  • Strangely, 1 in 5 adults text their spouses and children more often then speaking to them
  • 1 in 4 mobile users admit they may be addicted their mobile phones

OK so what do these stats have to do with mobile marketing/advertising? Glad you asked. Statistics like these make it quite clear that mobile is becoming that common link between just about every aspect of life. Currently its more personal and pervasive then any other media in history. So with that, how can you not be utilizing mobile if all the data points to one simple fact, your CUSTOMERS are using it. Maybe even more importantly, they want more!