LinkedIn can be a powerful way to connect with other businesses when used properly. While it is true that you can connect with classmates, ex-coworkers and the like, the end goal should be to make a connection with someone that will result in a potential business venture. The trouble is, many people struggle with knowing what to post on LinkedIn.

The first thing is to figure out what it is that you want to say. What message are you trying to send? When possible try to take about fifteen minutes of your day to choose your topic and write a quick post. Making sure that your content is relative can be as simple as looking at two factors: who you are targeting and who is viewing your content.

Try selecting a topic that you know will interest your chosen audience. Within the article use links tied to more compelling information. Use a link shortening service so that you can monitor the amount of traffic you are getting. This can help to determine whether your chosen content is effectively written.

Another method of choosing content involves profile views. Take a look at the groups or individuals who have been viewing your profile. This can give you a good idea of those who are seeking your area of expertise. It can also give you a good idea of those who might best benefit from following up to their view.

One thing you will NOT want to do is to make it all about business. Let people see your personal side to a degree. Go ahead and talk about your son’s band concert or your daughter’s ballgame. Talk about the great service you got at the local mechanic’s shop.

SIDE NOTE: Remember, everything you say on the internet WILL have a way of coming back to you. Posting questionable, rude, and untrue or other such material will reflect on you both personally and professionally.

Make sure that you balance your content however. Post blog centered material in equal amounts with personal and direct-targeted material. Posting to LinkedIn in this manner can be highly effective. It allows your clients and potential clients to get a feel for what you do and what you know over a period of time rather than them having to sit through some sales pitch or having to do some heavy research.

All told, LinkedIn is an excellent portal for connecting with other professionals for the purpose of marketing. The secret is not in just knowing what to say, but how to say it and how to tell who is listening.

For more info on how Posse Social Media can help you maximize your LinkedIn presence contact us now.