Hello everyone and welcome back! If you’ve read part one about keeping up with Google+ and breaking it to your will, then you’ve come to the right place. Read on for ten more tips for becoming the most savvy of Google+ users.

11. Know Your Numbers

Keep up with the statistics of Google’s social impact. You can easily see the top 100 Google+ people, track your statistics, search for people, and see the hottest Google+ posts from the past day.

  1. Join in a Q&A

You can read Google+’s Q&A on Quaro anytime you want. This section includes the 11 best questions, 277 open questions, a FAQ, and tips for marketing on Google+.

  1. Profile your Google Profile

You can promote your Google+ account with ease by putting the Google+ widget on your website, blog or anywhere else you have a strong internet presence.

  1. Connect it up: Google+Facebook!

You can connect up Google+ to Facebook with ease: just add the Facebook stream to your Google+ profile so you can keep up with both at the same time.

  1. Go Mobile

Google+ is of course available for mobile phones. You can send a text message to your phone from Google+ with the necessary link and to get instructions on how to do it.

  1. Google+ Can Tweet!

It’s easy to connect up Google+ with Twitter.

  1. Social Butterflies on Google+

You can submit your profile to a Google+ Group that is of interest to you. There are groups for everything, from special interest, to marketers and business owners to other social media experts. If you find a group that interests you, join it to make even more connections to the wider world!

  1. Who’s Who on Google+

It’s easy to see the popular user-curated lists on Google+ which lets you search, find the popular lists, create lists and see a Hall of Posters for the most followed Google+ members so you can easily see who the important people are this social media site.

  1. Short and Friendly Wins the Day

Making your Google+ URL short is very important and easy to do: simply shorten your URL to gplus.to. Many people will start out with a Google+ ID that looks convoluted: https://plus.google.com/longrowofunfriendlynumbers/posts. If you shorten it, your URL will look like this: http://gplus.to/your user name. Easy!

  1. Google+Business

It’s important to stay updated on Google+ for business profiles. Christian Oestlien has this to say: You can use a consumer profile for a person in your company who is “willing to represent your organization on Google+ until business profiles are rolled out.” Simple.

It’s time to get savvy with Google+! You can get all kinds of benefits for yourself and your business by using this new social media site.

Still too much for you? That is quite all right; we here at possesocialmedia.com are happy to help you out.