If you tried to upload a picture on Instagram recently and view it afterwards from your Twitter account, you might have noticed a cropped version of your picture. Don’t worry, you didn’t crop it accidentally, it’s just that Instagram has decided to cease the support to Twitter cards, which means that the Instagram photos will never look perfect on Twitter anymore.

Even Twitter was surprised with that decision, stating that they are not responsible for the problem that the users experienced with the pictures. Instagram must be feeling really confident lately to do such a move, since it is risky having your pictures cropped on such a big social network, hoping that all the users that want to view the pictures will visit your own platform. However, having Facebook on its side, Instagram aims even higher than Twitter, with its recent statistics on its performance showing his big potentials.

They started targeting the mobile users and now that they have gained their trust, they created a web version of their profiles, hoping to achieve even greater things in the future, in collaboration with Facebook‘s power, of course.

However, what made them start the war over pictures with Twitter and at that specific moment? It is rumored that Instagram wanted to separate themselves from Twitter, before it launches its own photo filters and becomes an official competitor of them. Others claim that the cooperation with Facebook magnified the war between the two networks, creating two opposite sides.

We might not know how this “photo war” has started on social media, but what we certainly know is that the ones that really lose from this are social media users. Most of us use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram equally, without being affected by their good or bad relations with each other. We like uploading a picture on Instagram and then showing it to our Twitter followers as it is, without making an extra move and visiting Instagram. However, social media has turned into a serious business with an even more serious competition and we must accept from now on that several things might change in terms of profit. We don’t know what the future holds, but we should definitely be prepared for anything!