Determining whether inbound marketing is for you is a matter of looking at the cold hard facts. Meaning, where does the vast majority turn to when they have a question on just about anything?

You guessed it, online.

With that said, wouldn’t it be most beneficial to refocus our marketing strategies to where the masses are? If they are online, then so should we!

First, let’s define inbound marketing

Inbound marketing is a powerful online marketing strategy that provides useful and relevant content to your target audience. It’s a modern-day marketing technique that is tailored to your business, which may include content writing or blogging, social media marketing, email marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), digital advertisements, paid search, etc.

How do I determine if inbound is for me?

Take a look at any of the following scenarios listed below. If you can relate to any of these statements, then you may want to take a second look at your current marketing strategy, and see for yourself whether inbound is for you.

1) You own or run a business.

If you own or run a business, then a strong online presence is a must. We aren’t just talking about a nice website, but you will also need a strong presence on social media platforms.

That leads us to a serious question: “How does a potential customer find me online if they don’t know my company even exists?”

This is where inbound marketing comes into play! Inbound can help your business gain exposure by capturing a potential customer’s attention online, and bringing them to you!

2)  You want to gain more online exposure and/or a social following.

There are many inbound strategies to gain more exposure online. Whether it is through posting to specific social platforms, or blogging about relevant topics within your industry,  you want to consistently engage your audience online to earn their trust, for your opinions to be valued, and to improve your search engine optimization (SEO).  

3) You want to improve your SEO.

By focusing on what potential customers are thinking or needing, as well as understanding how they look for those answers, inbound marketing focuses on driving traffic to your site, which drives up your SEO.

In other words, by creating relevant content, we find the ideal customer and bring them to you, which leads to your business becoming more easily found online.

4) You want to capture leads and increase sales.

Inbound marketing is about the creation of strategic content that is relevant to your audience. This builds a rapport with them and makes them the best ambassadors for your business.

To create loyal and repeat customers, you must engage the right type of buyer that’s suitable for YOUR business. By focusing your marketing strategies to inbound, you will capture more quality leads which will naturally increase sales.

What’s the next step?

Your next step is making a decision on whether inbound is right for you. If you are able to relate to any of the above statements, then strongly consider your current marketing strategy and evaluate its effectiveness.

Here at Posse, we would love to be your tour guide through the wonderful world that is inbound marketing.

Whether it is to increase your online presence, gain exposure, improve your SEO, capture leads, or increase sales, inbound marketing can be adjusted in order to reach your business goals.

The beauty of inbound is that you can always go back and check the impact of your efforts. There is always room for tweaking or completely changing up your strategy in order to get the best results for your brand.

Are you ready to begin your journey with us?