Inbound marketing has made its way to the stage and outbound marketing has become a way of the past. So long are the days of “old school” marketing tactics like cold-calls, mass emails, and print advertising! Today, your audience is online – utilizing the internet, actively searching for valued information and content specific to their needs.

This is where inbound marketing comes into play. Tailoring your strategy to attract the right kind of audience to your business, converting visitors into leads, those leads into customers, and then delighting the customers you’ve just established.

Once you’ve closed the lead and made the sale, that’s where it stops right? Wrong! There’s one more step to Hubspot’s inbound methodology: delight.

“Companies need to prove their worth…If they wish to win their customers’ loyalty.”

– Kaiser Mulla-Feroze

Utilize your platform and your presence on social media to forge meaningful relationships with your customers. Building those relationships, maintaining those connections, and establishing that trust, is just as important for your business as selling.


Build relationships and establish trust

Delight your customers with your follow up!

Truly listen and respond to your customers. Make sure serving people is a priority of yours as a company. Do your best to create an individual experience for every customer. It’s making that extra effort to deliver personalization that will set you apart from your competitors. Building this trust will create more promoters and fans for your brand. I’d say that makes this step a win-win for both you and your buyer, wouldn’t you?

Create quality content

Content is key. Be the content. Maintaining a positive social media presence is crucial. Make it a point to inform and encourage through what you put out there. Provide exceptional, fresh content to your audience that answers their questions and helps them stay up-to-date with industry happenings. Your customers are searching for answers to specific challenges, and for goods and services that will deliver what they are looking for. Provide that for them. Tailor your content specifically to them, so they want to come back for more.

According to Roper Public Affairs, 70 percent of consumers say content makes them feel closer to a company, while 60 percent say content helps them make smarter decisions when it comes to buying products.

Need some help creating engaging content? Check out these best practices.

Establish customer loyalty

Loyal customers equal repeat customers for your business. Repeat customers turn into promoters for your brand at their own free will. Who wouldn’t want that? Cultivating happy customers will give you a leg up on your competitors.

Remember though, delighting your customers isn’t just something that takes place post-sale, but rather throughout their entire journey as a buyer!

Here at Posse Social Media, we’d love to help you understand and utilize inbound marketing to the fullest, by establishing a strategy specific to your brand!