New social media applications are popping up everyday, but are they all appropriate for your Inbound Marketing plan?

Snapchat could be.

What is Snapchat?

It’s an app that allows users to share personal moments in real time with their close friends, fans, or customers. We are living in a “selfie-driven generation” where people want to share what they’re doing in the fastest way possible.Snapchat is one of the newest social media apps. It’s most popular with Millennials and Generation Z, so if a campaign or event is targeted towards them, Snapchat is the best medium to reach them.

Businesses can also use this new platform to share behind-the-scenes moments or a planning meeting for a new product launch or event. Living in a 24/7 news world, your buyer personas want instant information about items they’re buying or event they’re planning to attend.

Can Snapchat be integrated into the Inbound Methodology?

Yes, but be careful. You must know who your buyer personas are and where they are in the buyer’s journey.  Ask yourself these questions to determine if you should be using Snapchat in your Inbound campaign:

  • Who are your buyer personas? 
  • Are they on Snapchat? 
  • Is this where they are getting their information? 
  • Is this where they’re spending a majority of their time? 

If you can answer yes to these questions, Snapchat can be a great resource to use for your Inbound strategy.

How can a business use Snapchat?

Snapchat is a remarkable storytelling application, through which users can see and hear the events of your story in real time. This gives a more personal touch to brand or organization. Your content doesn’t have to be strict; customers want to know that you enjoy what you do and that your believe in your product or service. Showcase the real people behind your organization.

The Inbound Methodology highlights the importance of consistency when implementing a successful social media campaign. If you don’t have a social media team handy, planning and using a social media calendar can take up crucial time. Taking advantage of Snapchat can help save time.

  • Create a video on Snapchat to teach your followers how easy it is to subscribe to your newsletter or download an ebook for the converting visitors into leads.  
  • Show them the amazing offers that you can provide by subscribing to your emails.
  • Go behind the scenes when creating a weekly podcast or filming a video.  
  • Create “A Day in the Life” Snapchat story.
  • Searching for venues? Snap a photo of some of the places you’re seeing that day.
  • Planning a seating chart for your event with local celebrities? Give a sneak peak on who’s coming and where they’ll be sitting.
  • Promoting a service? Snap a before-and-after photo of what you do best. Make sure you direct your followers to your landing page at the end of all your snaps.

Customers want results, and if your visitors of your snaps like what they see, they will convert into leads for your business. Snapchat allows you to never miss a beat when pushing out content for your campaign.After your campaign is over, send a thank you snap to all of the participants of your event. Social media engagement is one of the items you should be analyzing after your campaign. How many people opened your snaps? Did your audience respond with any direct messages? If used correctly, Snapchat can be successfully implemented into your social media inbound strategy. Having the remarkable content presented in the right place at the right time pulls your personas deeper into the buyer’s journey.