Social media is in a constant flux of change it seems. This is enough to make a lot of us feel like our heads are spinning. Most businesses now know the importance of using social media as part of their marketing campaign as well as its many business applications to make operations easier. Technologies change quickly and everyone wants to be on top of the food chain when it comes to knowing which platforms businesses are using. With all the changes occurring so quickly keeping up with the changes can seem like an overwhelming task. Google is a major player with changes being made in order to stay on top.

Google recently celebrated a one year anniversary with
their social media platform Google+. Work continues with the development of apps for mobile devices such as tablets. This will greatly increase the number of users for Google+ keeping them on top of the game. More ways to access social media and a higher level of quality content is their driving motivation.

Google Events are another development that has been designed to bring in more users. With Events you can set up a calendar that lets everyone know when and where an event is occurring. This then allows you to invite friends and contacts helping to bring in more traffic. This benefits Google as well as those that have scheduled the events.

The Google+ social networking site has approximately 250 million users which is a drop in the bucket so to speak when it comes to the number of users on other social media networking sites. The company realizes the importance of social media marketing though. As such they are stepping up their efforts to draw more users to their networking site. Google+ Local which is actually Google Places revamped and updated is another change that has happened letting people sort through an assortment of businesses under their specific industry found in their area. These businesses will have a 30 point rating system that was written by Zagat as well as user reviews.

Is your head spinning yet? These are a few of the changes that we are seeing on the social networking platform for Google. There are still changes occurring across all social networking platforms to keep up with the changing needs of the users as well as to bring new users into the fold. Does this mean that you have to jump and make changes quickly to your social media marketing strategy?

This is where having a social media company such as Posse Social Media can help you keep the edge. With so many changes understanding what it can mean for your business is a full time job. A lot of businesses don’t have the time, inclination, or money to have a full time social media team on staff. Having a company that is invested in helping you with your social media needs can be a bonus that you will not want to miss.