The internet has changed the game for everyone. Communication is completely different, and it is almost all online now. So why not go to where your potential customers are? You can try to avoid social media, but that’s where the conversation is happening. For those that dislike face-to-face interaction, social networks are perfect.

Most professionals are used to traditional networking, meeting people at events, and through friends. That type of networking is still relevant, but why not double your efforts and reach a whole new group of potential clients online?


Develop Your Personal Brand

First things, first. You need to have social media accounts that match your goals, and are appropriate for the business world. This is your personal brand. Make sure that your pages are portraying who you are, what you want to be, and how you want other people and businesses to see you. Build up your credibility by blogging, sharing helpful information, and becoming a master of your craft. You want people to look at you as a subject matter expert in your field.

When it comes to your personal branded content, make sure you reach out to your network and share it.

  • Tweet with relevant hashtags.
  • Share in LinkedIn groups.
  • Post in Google+ communities.
  • Publish to Facebook.

With all of this content distribution, it’s important to have goals. Just like any business, a strategy is a must, which brings me to my next point.

Know Your Objective


Once you have your personal brand set up, it’s important that you know your networking objective.

  • Are you looking for clients?
  • Are you looking for a new job?
  • Are you trying to inform or entertain?  
  • Are you looking for new connections?

Knowing your objective will help you figure out what kind of groups you need to join online, what kind of information you need to be sharing, and who you need to be targeting. Also, take a second to think about your connections . You might be missing prospects that are already in your friend database. Reach out to those in businesses that you’re trying to target. Keep your connections with people strong and valuable.

Connect with others

If networking events aren’t your cup of tea, or you just don’t have time for them, don’t be discouraged! There are lots of other ways to connect with industry professionals and businesses seeking information. You can join in on the conversation by participating in webinars, online groups, and forums. A great place to start is  LinkedIn or Levo.Find thought leaders and top professionals in your industry. See what they do and learn.

There are opportunities in these online spaces to leave questions or comments. Offer help, answer questions, and ask questions! This is your opportunity to get your name and company out there as someone who knows their subject matter. Reach out to those that inquire about more information. It  only takes one LinkedIn message to make a good connection, and that connection could be your next client.

When sharing another brand’s content, the best practices are to tag or mention them in your post. This not only builds your networking, but credibility as well. For example, if I write a blog about events and mentioned Eventbrite as a source, they might give me a shout out for including them in my source! It’s a win-win for both of us.  By connecting with other professionals, your own social media profiles will grow in conversations and engagement.What have you got to lose?

In today’s technological age, it’s time to start getting involved in social and online networking. The task may seem daunting, but it’s better to start sooner rather than later when everything digital gets more in-depth. Take some time to optimize your Facebook page, share some posts on LinkedIn, and develop yourself online as you would in person. Remember:

  • Build and promote your brand.
  • Know your objective.
  • Connect with others!

This might be your ticket to new clients! If you’re still not convinced that digital networking works, think about it: you’re reading this blog and we’re connecting right now. Connect with me on LinkedIn or leave a comment, I’d love to answer any questions you may have!