The digital world is heavily integrated into every aspect of our lives. It is difficult to imagine that there was ever a day that we were without it. Integrating the internet into society was not an automatic process. It has taken years for some people to learn how to use the world wide web and even longer for them to trust it.

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The internet and social media have dramatically changed the way that we market, research, interact and do business. If you did not have the privilege of growing up in the 80’s and 90’s, here are some examples of how archaic life was before the internet:

  • Research was performed using the encyclopedias. It didn’t matter if the books were 10-15 years old.
  • At the library, to look up a book  you used a card catalog and the Dewey Decimal System.
  • When the internet did come along we had dial-up internet that would often disconnect.
  • All of the bills were paid by mail, or in person.  
  • Shopping outside of a store was done with a catalog and a phone order.
  • No one trusted the car salesman.
  • Marketing was synonymous with advertising.

So why give you a list of examples of what life was like before the internet? Because to truly appreciate what we have today, you have to understand where we came from.

Fast forward MANY years and the business world has completely changed, especially for marketers. Those of us who have the ‘marketing gene’ or a natural talent for customer service have the perfect opportunity to share our talents.

So we asked the Posse Team what they were thankful for when it comes to digital marketing.  Here’s what they shared with us:


 Digital Marketing provides a PERSONALIZED experience.

“I’m thankful that digital marketing gives me access to everything online and gives me the option to filter through options quickly and easily. It is a PERSONALIZED experience tailored just for me. Digital marketing is a vast world that is forever expanding and only getting bigger and better. It’s providing jobs and a whole new perspective for the consumer and the business.”


Digital takes marketing to a whole new level.

“I love marketing. It is both a science and an art. Today’s marketing allows us to convey a brand, service or product by understanding the wants, needs, and motivations of our consumers. It requires business owners to dig deep and truly define their unique offering. Marketing shapes a company and its brand. It says, “ Hey, here’s how we can help you and this is what we’re all about.” Digital marketing evokes feelings, motivates or encourages someone to take action of their wants.

Digital takes marketing to a whole new level and the science of marketing really kicks in. It allows us to directly target and reach a business’s ideal customer. Digital provides consumers with personalized solutions at their fingertips in seconds. It also allows marketers to know what is working or what needs to change in our message to help the customer. We can track, analyze and show how our efforts produce results and help a company’s bottom line. Digital marketing is cost efficient and highly effective for businesses while creating a personalized experience for the consumer.”


Digital and social ads are catered to me and save me time.

“I’m more appreciative of how digital marketing works for me. I love that everything on social sites is tailored for my interests so that I can discover new things that are similar to other things I like. Ads online are targeted to me and aren’t just random background noise that isn’t relevant. Plus, when I’m searching for services or products online, the most relevant content is shown, which makes my life and decisions easier.”

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Digital marketing helps me find answers quickly.

“I’m so glad that we can recycle the Yellow Pages. No longer do we, as consumers, have to rely on black text in a book to help us solve problems, find solutions, and hire companies. We can see specific answers, get to know a brand, hear from customers, and interact without crossing our fingers and making a call. As a marketer, I am happy to be able to tailor messaging to fit for prospective customers and create a community around the brand, rather than just an ad.”


Digital marketing helps our clients build their business.

“One thing I’m thankful for is that inbound marketing lets our clients find quality customers that will be loyal to their brand and actively promote it over a longer period of time – which keeps us in business.”


Digital marketing allows me to connect with people.

“I have a deep passion for building customer relationships. I enjoy sharing information that makes the lives of my clients and their customers easier. The various communication methods and platforms used allow me to communicate quickly and effectively with others so that I can address their needs almost immediately. The rise of digital marketing has made collaboration with other marketers and professionals a relatively easy process. We are now able to assist each other in meeting the needs of our buyer’s. It truly has allowed 2+2=5.”  


Digital marketing utilizes all of my talents.

“Digital marketing has allowed me to combine my love of design, my passion for writing, and my obsession with social media into what I can truly call my “dream career.”

I am thankful that I can come to work every day and expect to be challenged creatively to discover new ways to help businesses grow. I am also thankful that I have found a company that lets me be myself and doesn’t box me into a nine-to-five desk job. Every day is different from the one before it, and I am certainly never bored.”

What benefits have you received from digital marketing?