Social Media and Big Business

According to USA Today, big businesses are increasingly tapping into the use of social media to not only expand their businesses but to operate them more efficiently. Big and small companies alike are finding out just what social media can do for them in making things work better as well as adding to their customer bases. Forrester Research has reported that social networking software sales are expected to surpass $6 billion within the next four years.1 Social media networks used [...]

Social Media and Big Business2017-08-27T20:34:25-04:00

The NBA and Social Media – A Love Story

When you take a close look at any number of organizations that utilize social media, you tend to notice something. Many of these groups are highly organized and thus try to approach social media in an almost surgical manner. They literally have their pulse on what makes their virtual followers tick. That being said, there is a group that has taken to the scene in a hot and heavy way. The NBA is giving social media a true workout. [...]

The NBA and Social Media – A Love Story2017-10-02T15:51:21-04:00

WordPress Security, 10 Easy Steps For Protecting Your Blog Or Website!

Today we’re going to talk WordPress and in case you don’t already know, its the very best CMS platform on the planet and its the only platform that we use when building customer sites here at Posse Social Media! Currently its estimated that around 20-25% of all NEW websites are built utilizing the WordPress platform, that number makes up bout 1/5 of all the sites that are live online today. So tell me again why someone would use another CMS? [...]

WordPress Security, 10 Easy Steps For Protecting Your Blog Or Website!2017-08-21T12:51:54-04:00

Social Media Smackdown – What is YOUR Favorite Platform?

We all know the big players in the world of social media. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and now Google+ and Pinterest are all on the constant offensive looking for ways to solidify their user bases. Each platform certainly offers its own sets of benefits as well as drawbacks. At the end of the day however it will come down to figuring out which one is the best for your needs and with which you are most comfortable. […]

Social Media Smackdown – What is YOUR Favorite Platform?2017-08-26T02:15:04-04:00

Big Bad Negative SEO Strategies

In a continuing effort to update everyone on the unfortunate power of negative SEO, here are some of the known strategies that have been used in an effort to reduce a competitor’s Page Rank. Before we dive right in, though, it is important to remember that these are listed as a means of educating you so that you will be better prepared to prevent such attacks. That being said, let’s take a closer look at these “lovely” methods employed by [...]

Big Bad Negative SEO Strategies2017-09-18T13:56:38-04:00

What Is Negative SEO and Can It Hurt Me?

On my Two Cents Worth Podcast yesterday you may have heard me going off about Negative SEO. Not surprisingly many questions have started rolling in concerning Negative SEO and can it hurt a site’s ranking. Let me see if I can clarify the definition of Negative SEO and then move on to what it can do to you. […]

What Is Negative SEO and Can It Hurt Me?2017-10-02T09:59:35-04:00

Give An Organ – Save A Life, On Facebook?

Social Media powerhouse Facebook has made yet another change to their new Timeline. This time however the added feature could have redeeming qualities unlike other changes such as the addition of the Ticker. The newest feature from Facebook to see the light of day is known as Organ Donor. Ready to give your organs up for those in need? Now you can share your readiness to do so with the world! […]

Give An Organ – Save A Life, On Facebook?2017-10-05T18:52:07-04:00

Random Blog Postings or The Future of Bacon as I See It

I know what you are thinking – did I read that title right? Does it really mention the future of bacon? The short and dirty answer to that is yes. Your next question may be centered on the thought that maybe I have slipped my lid. Your answer to that one, however, is a resounding NO. I am still in charge of my faculties. What I AM trying to get a handle on, however, is a great idea on how [...]

Random Blog Postings or The Future of Bacon as I See It2017-09-29T13:16:31-04:00

The Top 4 Big Players in Social Media

As a fan of social media for quite some time now, I’ve followed many companies and seen their successes over the years. I put together this list of some of the “bigger players” in the social media atmosphere that are doing exceptional jobs with their campaigns. Granted, these companies have budgets that one would only dream to work with, they still can show us a few things that we can all implement into our own social media campaigns. […]

The Top 4 Big Players in Social Media2017-10-23T17:10:12-04:00

Posse Goes Global!

This year at SXSW I made it a goal to try to network with as many people as I could. Thanks to my new position at Posse Social Media, I was given a phone number that made this super easy. I simply meet someone who I want to connect with and instead of giving them their one millionth business card of the weekend, I give them a phone number. They text this phone number with their name and email address [...]

Posse Goes Global!2017-09-29T15:52:04-04:00
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