Social Media & Your Employees

Social media and employees, “you want me to do what?” That is exactly how a lot of companies feel when it comes to employees getting involved with social media. A lot of companies continue to hold the concept that allowing employees to be involved in social media especially when it comes to business is detrimental to the business. Taking a look at how employees’ affect business is important since social media isn’t something that can be stopped. […]

Social Media & Your Employees2017-08-25T18:03:07-04:00

Social Media Crisis Prevention

Don’t Get Caught with Your Pants Down We have all heard that an “ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,” and this has never been truer than in the social media arena. Social media crisis prevention should be a part of your marketing plan. Nobody wants to wait until something happens then try to put out fires. Even though it may be unlikely that you will need to execute the plan, it is better to have one ready [...]

Social Media Crisis Prevention2017-08-27T15:50:52-04:00

Do You Have a Social Media Strategy?

Do you have a social media strategy as part of your marketing plan? If you don’t then you are losing out on an extremely important marketing tool. With fast paced lifestyle that most people live using the internet helps them to find products and services quickly and easily. It is amazing how many people will go to the net to find information to help them with various aspects of their lives. […]

Do You Have a Social Media Strategy?2017-08-26T00:48:25-04:00

Understanding Social Media ROI

Understanding social media ROI (return on investment) requires that companies know what their desired goal is when used for marketing. One of the biggest complaints and toughest goals that marketers face today is putting social media into a measurable ROI for companies. Most companies know how important social media can be to their company growth but demonstrating the returns is another matter. To understand and put ROI into perspective companies need a plan with quantifiable goals. […]

Understanding Social Media ROI2017-08-22T15:19:57-04:00

Grab Potential Customers’ Attention with Social Media

Grab potential customers’ attention through the use of your social media marketing campaign. When you want to see an increase in your business opting to use the social media arena is a positive step forward. This is in addition to some of the older marketing techniques that are still in use. You will continue to see more customers becoming savvy in obtaining information for new products and/or services. The ability to interact with customers and teach them about the products [...]

Grab Potential Customers’ Attention with Social Media2017-10-04T23:50:58-04:00

Facebook Announces WordPress Integration

As of today WordPress users can easily integrate Facebook features with such items as social publishing through the Facebook for WordPress plugin. What does this mean for users? It is a simpler way to make their WordPress site more social without the need for coding. This plugin developed by Facebook engineers and support means no more constantly having to mess with trying to get the right code and then still having problems. This plugin also works for mobile. […]

Facebook Announces WordPress Integration2017-10-23T17:06:13-04:00

Social Media Privacy Issues

Social media privacy issues can be questionable when using any of the platforms that are on the net today. With the FBI lobbying for new legislation or adding to the current laws for phone tapping it brings privacy issues to the forefront of our minds. They are asking that platforms add a backdoor to tap into when they need to investigate questionable behavior. It is not a lot different than the laws that they currently use for phone taps. [...]

Social Media Privacy Issues2017-08-26T02:24:30-04:00

Social Media Press Releases – Do I Gotta?

Social media press releases must be written as part of your marketing efforts. Yes, we are talking about a part of the marketing effort that most people do not want to have to write. The problem for most people when writing a press release is that they just have difficulty wording one that they feel will get the points across effectively. Know that social media press releases do not mean that you still do not need to have the traditional [...]

Social Media Press Releases – Do I Gotta?2017-08-26T02:29:53-04:00

Using Multimedia in Your Social Media

Don’t Miss the Social Boat Using multimedia in your social media campaign sounds like a tongue twister in the making. In actuality if you are not using multimedia tools then you are not getting your point across. We have all heard that “a picture is worth a thousand words” well never has this been truer than in the social media arena. Today when people are bombarded with text and more text having something that breaks up the monotony of reading [...]

Using Multimedia in Your Social Media2017-10-02T16:17:26-04:00

Marketing Dollars on Social Media – Say What?

Spend precious marketing dollars on social media – say what, are you crazy? That is what a lot of businesses small and large are continuing to say today. They still can’t see the need for wasted time, money and effort on something that seems out of place to the old way of marketing. The reality is that social media does work for marketing, but it has its quirks, which is something that businesses need to start realizing. […]

Marketing Dollars on Social Media – Say What?2017-10-02T18:19:35-04:00
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