Buying Facebook Ads – Is It Worth The Investment?

Facebook ads could either be a great way to advertise or could simply be a waste of money depending on who you ask. The truth however lies somewhere in the middle. By going into it with your anticipations well under hand and by handling your adverts properly you could have a much more positive outcome. According to comScore, Facebook ads increased purchases by up to 38 percent for those who were exposed to them over those who had no exposure. [...]

Buying Facebook Ads – Is It Worth The Investment?2017-10-05T18:38:12-04:00

Facebook Exchange – Good, Bad, or Ugly?

With the increasing use of social media networking and Facebook’s popularity is it any wonder that changes are coming? Facebook Exchange is one that advertisers will love but what about the people who use it daily as a means to stay in touch with family and friends? The question that is on a lot of peoples mind is whether they will be bombarded with ads. This is another change in store for Facebook that is meant to increase their revenue, [...]

Facebook Exchange – Good, Bad, or Ugly?2017-10-05T18:22:44-04:00

Pitbull Heading to Alaska? Facebook Users Have Spoken!

Facebook campaigns have proven two separate things. #1 – When a campaign goes right it can be great for the company or individual holding it. #2 – When a campaign goes wrong things can get quite interesting to say the least. The fact that the rapper Pitbull is heading to Alaska is firm proof of the truth behind the second statement. While some may feel that the campaign actually failed the truth is that it simply came back to bite [...]

Pitbull Heading to Alaska? Facebook Users Have Spoken!2017-09-29T15:58:30-04:00

Social Media is Free Marketing – NOT

Some think of social media as a free marketing tool. Just because you can join social networks for free though doesn’t make it free when you use them for business. Like anything else in life getting the results you want takes time and money. We have all heard the old adage that nothing is free in this world and the same holds true when using social media as a marketing tool. To get the results that you want takes time [...]

Social Media is Free Marketing – NOT2017-08-26T04:37:43-04:00

Mobile Marketing Is Dead, Not A Chance!

The much rumored demise of mobile marketing/advertising has been pumped out across the airwaves for months now and I’m here to personally tell those pushing this message “Give It Up”! Its clearly just the opposite, mobile is here to stay. Today more so than ever people are connecting via their mobile phones, from shopping to local searches, people are connected and plugged in like we have never seen before. So much so that 48% of all users do not even [...]

Mobile Marketing Is Dead, Not A Chance!2017-10-02T16:39:44-04:00

Say It Ain’t So, LinkedIn!

LinkedIn Says Goodbye to Twitter Update Integration Worried about whether or not your Tweets with hashtags look inappropriate on LinkedIn? Worry no longer. LinkedIn, the world’s most well-known social media network for business professionals has just cut the proverbial cord. Since 2009, LinkedIn had allowed users to stream their tweets in their LinkedIn profile feeds. Some had questioned whether or not this ability was advantageous or simply just another means of keeping constant info flowing into one’s feed. Now this [...]

Say It Ain’t So, LinkedIn!2017-10-02T20:08:21-04:00

The Resume of the Future: Your Visual Portfolio

Social media is everywhere and is influencing everything – even the way we apply and interview for jobs and careers. Our LinkedIn pages give our info. Our personal Facebook pages become more toned down or we start new Facebook pages to help represent ourselves the way we want our interviewers to see us. Our Twitter followers change to include more professional contacts. We want to present ourselves in the most professional and yet innovative way possible. In today’s world of [...]

The Resume of the Future: Your Visual Portfolio2017-08-22T17:40:34-04:00

Easy Ways To Attract More Twitter Followers

With its continued growth and evolving business model Twitter continues to dominate the market as the go-to microblog option for those who want to keep their followers in the know. It continues to perform superbly as a platform for both attracting business and increasing client and customer retention. The one thing that people continually ask however is whether there are easy ways to attract more Twitter Followers. Before going any further, let’s dispel one myth. […]

Easy Ways To Attract More Twitter Followers2017-10-05T18:39:49-04:00

Microsoft Purchases Social Media Networking Business Yammer

Big Money for Social Media Platform Don’t you love the name of Microsoft’s newest purchase; Yammer, a social media platform just for businesses? You can’t say the name isn’t catchy. Now businesses can Yammer all day long to get their social media on. All kidding aside, this just goes to show how important social media networking can be – Microsoft knows a deal when they see one. Paying $1.2 billion for a company that is similar to Facebook may seem [...]

Microsoft Purchases Social Media Networking Business Yammer2017-10-02T16:37:33-04:00

Training Employees on Effective Social Media Use

Properly training employees on effective social media use for companies is one of those important factors that can help a business grow socially. Employees are internet savvy and understand the use of social networks in the majority of cases. There are some companies that want to ban employees from using the internet, but the truth is that they will find a way and the time to be online. Whether they are using it at work, at home or on a [...]

Training Employees on Effective Social Media Use2017-08-22T15:54:53-04:00
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