Three Fast Ways to Start Your Own Online Business

Every now and then I get asked by someone how they can get started with an online business. They realize the potential for success is there, but they just don’t know how to get started. Online businesses have been a big deal for several years now. There are many reasons for this, one of them being it takes a lot less to start up an online business than the traditional brick and mortar stores that most of us grew up [...]

Three Fast Ways to Start Your Own Online Business2017-08-22T16:10:53-04:00

The Power of a Meme – When a Picture is Worth More Than a Thousand Words

Everyone who has been on Facebook can tell you what a meme is. Maybe they don’t know the exact definition, but you can bet that they could name more than a dozen common pics with witty sayings on them. From the Cute Boy with Clinched Fist to innumerable cat and dog pictures, these memes have a way of taking on a life of their own. Can you guess where I am going with this? One look at the picture attached [...]

The Power of a Meme – When a Picture is Worth More Than a Thousand Words2017-09-29T15:42:59-04:00

Ten Reasons Why You Should Add a Forum To Your Website

There are many people who fall on each side of the fence when it comes to online forums. Those who argue against them often mention trolling and wasting time as two reasons why they should be avoided. Those who accept forums as a logical step for their site however will tell you very quickly how many benefits there are to doing so. Here at Posse Social Media we do indeed recommend adding a forum as long as your business model [...]

Ten Reasons Why You Should Add a Forum To Your Website2017-08-24T00:37:39-04:00

Facebook’s (Not So) Secret Info Stash

Friday September 21, 2012 it was announced that the EU and Ireland’s Data Protection Commissioner (DPC) have taken on Facebook and Facebook has relented. The feature currently being highlighted is the photo tagging feature that Facebook users all over the world have used for some time now. The issue is security, the linking of data and how exactly the technology and programs Facebook uses affects you. Just how much does Facebook know about you? […]

Facebook’s (Not So) Secret Info Stash2017-10-05T18:11:27-04:00

Five Lies About Internet Businesses And How To Overcome Them

You might have already heard from folks stating that Online Business is time wasting , you would not generate anything at all , there is absolutely no cash to be produced using the internet, it would likely never deliver the results and so many more unfavorable words emanating from men and women who don’t truthfully fully grasp how a web based business may operate. […]

Five Lies About Internet Businesses And How To Overcome Them2017-10-05T15:36:53-04:00

Announcing The All New Posse Social Media Site And Membership Program!

If you are a returning visitor then you may have noticed a few differences in our site. Those who are first time visitors however may not know. After looking at ease of navigation, info being offered and more we decided that it was time to give the Posse Social Media website a facelift. Don’t worry, we will still be offering you informative, interesting, and amusing stories through our blog. We are also still offering the same lineup of services. There [...]

Announcing The All New Posse Social Media Site And Membership Program!2017-08-23T18:52:48-04:00

The Final Word on Social Media

Wait a minute, did you just say “the final word?” As in social media is no more? Don’t worry, I certainly didn’t mean that the social media movement is over. When I am alluding to is those who look to have the final word on social media. You know the ones. Those who like to claim that they are the end all be all when it comes to social media. The social media “gurus” who claim to have all the [...]

The Final Word on Social Media2017-08-23T19:55:47-04:00

Social Media Training vs. Social Media Management

It has all come down to this. You as a business owner or upper management of your company now face a very serious question. It is one that could make a huge difference in how your company operates. The question? Social Media training vs Social Media management – which route should you choose for your company? Believe it or not this can be a very difficult question to answer. It is one that many of our clients here at Posse [...]

Social Media Training vs. Social Media Management2017-08-26T00:38:10-04:00

September 11 – Remembering Those Lost Through Social Media

How do few Americans need to be reminded that today marks the eleventh anniversary of the worst attack on American soil to ever take place? September 11, 200, opened many eyes to the very real fact that we are just as vulnerable here on our home soil as we are abroad. Thousands upon thousands were affected directly whether through loved ones lost during the attacks or through their after effects. Businessmen and women, servicemen and women, firefighters, police officers, doctors, [...]

September 11 – Remembering Those Lost Through Social Media2017-08-28T19:17:02-04:00

Social Media for Healthcare Practitioners

Connecting With Your Care Provider In A Whole New Way It’s 2012. Forget desktop PCs – now even laptops are soon to be obsolete. Welcome in a new wave in connecting through devices such as smart phones, tablets and more. New methods of communicating with others have created a demand for new outlets. Since the rise of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other such social media outlets businesses have steadily worked toward understanding and implementing them into a social media strategy. [...]

Social Media for Healthcare Practitioners2017-08-26T04:46:04-04:00
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