The Power of a Meme – When Memes Go Wrong

A few articles back we talked about the power of a meme. Now, if you are on Facebook you have no doubt seen any one of a million memes come across your feed. You know the ones, overly-manly man, success kid, y u no troll… Each of these meme characters have taken on a life of their own with millions of variations on the text. You can thank sites like Meme Generator for this. Offering people the power to create [...]

The Power of a Meme – When Memes Go Wrong2017-10-12T13:23:29-04:00

Tips On How To Get More Out Of Your Blog

While familiarizing yourself with brand new technology is often difficult, just about anyone can blog with ease. It requires a certain degree of finesse to create a highly effective blog, but it’s a skill that is easily learned by a person with the sincere desire to contact their visitors on a more meaningful level. Add some questions at the end of your posts that will create discussion. When you leave your readers with a reason to interact, they will. Your [...]

Tips On How To Get More Out Of Your Blog2017-09-18T12:51:50-04:00

Social Media – The Equalizer

Historically business has often been transacted based on how well a customer knew the sales rep or the business owner. Over time it has become easier for customers to find options for better pricing or more suitable services through internet research, and the marketing forces quickly adapted to meet the demands presented in this new way of doing business. As online social networking has matured into much more than e-cards and instant messaging, it has become widely acceptable to maintain [...]

Social Media – The Equalizer2017-08-26T00:42:40-04:00

The Best Advice In Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization, or SEO, is a method of making your site look easier to the search engines. If you have a website or would like to have one in the near future, you should take the time to understand SEO and learn how to use it on your website. In this article, you’ll learn a few valuable tips that will help you make use of SEO effectively. […]

The Best Advice In Search Engine Optimization2017-10-23T17:11:22-04:00

What in the World is NaBloPoMo?

Are You Up to the Challenge? For those of you who haven’t heard, November has been proclaimed National Blog Posting Month. As a means of shortening – and perhaps helping it to catch on – the name has been shortened to the moniker NaBloPoMo. While this version leaves one wondering what the thought behind it might have been, the main thought that comes to mind involves figuring out what it means to you. Come on, a national blogging month? Really? [...]

What in the World is NaBloPoMo?2017-10-23T17:10:11-04:00

Take Our FREE Survey!

We want to hear from you on an important matter. We want to hear your opinion on social media marketing, specifically how YOU are using it and what is working for you. Taking this survey will allow us to get some feedback on upcoming service offerings, podcast episodes and blog posts that can answer your needs. You will remain […]

Take Our FREE Survey!2017-08-24T01:28:49-04:00

Video Booth – Webcam Software Made Fun

As the resident WordPress Ninja and web dude, I love getting the chance to try out new toys. Who doesn't though? That being said I also love to share what I have found with our readers. One new “toy” I have recently discovered is called Video Booth. I ran across Video Booth while cruising CNET looking for a decent webcam capture program so that I could easily shoot video and upload to YouTube. How often do YOU strike gold the [...]

Video Booth – Webcam Software Made Fun2017-08-22T14:23:06-04:00

How Much do You Know About SEO? Part IV

In the first three parts of our series of points on SEO we covered topics such as the importance of quality content, analyzing your results, staying away from so-called snake oil salesmen, keeping things simple, why pay-per-click is less than effective, and how SEO is not a magic bullet, DIY SEO, the importance of taking things one step at a time, and more. In our final piece we will discuss incoming links and the reasons why choosing a skilled and [...]

How Much do You Know About SEO? Part IV2017-10-04T23:10:13-04:00
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