Facebook Site Changes – For the Better or For the Birds

Facebook continues to work on updating their platforms and supposedly making it more users friendly we will see more changes taking place this month. I know that it seems you just began to get use to changes the Facebook networking site. You would think it will stop for a while, but that isn’t the way with any technology. What changes are you facing now? […]

Facebook Site Changes – For the Better or For the Birds2017-10-05T17:00:24-04:00

2012: the year of Instagram and Pinterest

2012 has been a good year for social media, since they have managed to establish their presence and expand their influence. If we had to evaluate the annual winners among the social networks, we would choose Pinterest and Instagram. As we have discussed at a previous post, social media is becoming […]

2012: the year of Instagram and Pinterest2017-10-23T17:02:24-04:00

The New Year of Social Media – Ringing in 2013

Many describe 2012 of the Year of Social Media We saw rumors started, statements made, and rivalries created, all through social media. Companies large and small began to realize this year that they must be a part of it in order to be on any side of a trend. Sites like Facebook and Twitter are no longer just something to be social on; it’s a site with one billion potential customers. 2013 is looking like the year where social media [...]

The New Year of Social Media – Ringing in 20132017-08-22T17:26:37-04:00

The Importance of Visual Content in Social Media Marketing

And How To Use It Wisely! We are living in a world that is surrounded by pictures. Even when we were younger and couldn’t yet read, what we enjoyed most was browsing picture books. Funnily enough, that’s what we do nowadays; we are browsing pictures but through the Internet! It was a matter of time for social media to be […]

The Importance of Visual Content in Social Media Marketing2017-08-23T14:43:02-04:00

#49 Standing Out In Social Media with Barry Feldman – Part 3

In the midst of all the noise and clamor, are you able to stand out above the rest? It is not so much of finding your voice, but doing something so completely different that it makes people pay attention to you. Barry Feldman is a freelance copywriter, creative director, content marketing creator and consultant. He specializes in persuasion and engagement. He shares his vision and techniques at the Content Marketing Institute.    Next Step We will be discontinuing the podcast [...]

#49 Standing Out In Social Media with Barry Feldman – Part 32017-08-25T16:05:22-04:00

Social Network Marketing – The New Hotness?

Social network marketing is one of the hottest items to be talked about by anyone wanting to grow their products, services or self-today. Just what is social network marketing and how does it work to accomplish these goals? That is a question that many people are asking and getting answers that may make them feel the inconsistency of using this as part of their marketing strategies. Here we will take a basic look at some of the factors that need [...]

Social Network Marketing – The New Hotness?2017-08-25T18:00:11-04:00

Creating Great Content for Your Blog

There is more to social media marketing than just Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and the hodgepodge of other social media sites we use today. Great content is what people want to see when they are searching for specific information. For most people time is valuable and they want to gain something from what they are reading. Nobody wants to read a world of unrelated material when they are searching for something specific. Great content brings visitors back time and again to [...]

Creating Great Content for Your Blog2017-10-12T13:30:47-04:00

Instagram VS Twitter on Photos Affecting Social Media Users

If you tried to upload a picture on Instagram recently and view it afterwards from your Twitter account, you might have noticed a cropped version of your picture. Don’t worry, you didn’t crop it accidentally, it’s just that Instagram has decided to cease the support to Twitter cards, which means that the Instagram photos will never look perfect on Twitter anymore. […]

Instagram VS Twitter on Photos Affecting Social Media Users2017-10-04T01:15:44-04:00

New Internet Privacy Regulations for Minors Proposed by FTC

The internet poses a world of opportunity for learning when it comes to kids. Unfortunately it also offers a world of danger as well. Those looking to take advantage of children in a myriad of ways actively patrol online looking for targets. Tighter rules and regulations have come into play to help stem this; however, a new issue has arisen. The ability of third-party advertisers and websites to actively collect information from children on internet ready mobile devices is now [...]

New Internet Privacy Regulations for Minors Proposed by FTC2017-10-04T01:37:27-04:00

Do You Know When a Change in Your Social Media Campaign is Needed?

Any of us who have been actively marketing our brands on the internet for any amount of time will tell you that there are times when social media campaigns literally explode and others when they sink like a stone. Not all social media campaigns are created equal with some being much more effective than others. The trouble comes in when you have difficulty in realizing that your social media campaign is one of the sinkers. Do you know when a [...]

Do You Know When a Change in Your Social Media Campaign is Needed?2017-10-06T16:25:32-04:00
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