Do’s and Don’ts When Responding to Feedback

It is important for your business that you know how to respond to reviews. All feedback can be good and help your business grow. For both negative and positive reviews be prompt and polite in your response, thank them for taking the time to try your product or business, and answer any questions they may have with something short and to the point. Even if a customer has a bad experience there is a chance that your response will give [...]

Do’s and Don’ts When Responding to Feedback2017-10-05T18:42:12-04:00

What does it take to become a social media manager?

The social media boom has created an increasing demand for social media managers, or else, for people that are devoted to the management of your social networks. However, you might be wondering, how can you become a social media manager? […]

What does it take to become a social media manager?2017-08-22T13:11:22-04:00

Pictures are Worth a Thousand Likes on Social Media

Humans are visual creatures. It's no wonder then that the top trending social media sites – Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook – have built their success on turning our addiction to images into the ultimate hook, on their sites and Apps. We love seeing things even more than we love reading about them. In the world of social media images rule. In the world of search, images can help you to rule the internet. Images are content. This means that adding one [...]

Pictures are Worth a Thousand Likes on Social Media2017-09-30T14:23:24-04:00

What Are Hashtags and Should I Use Them?

If you’re using Twitter, then you’ve definitely seen the use of hashtags. A hashtag is a keyword phrase without spaces that has a pound sign (#) prefix, such as #hashtagsarecool. The main purpose of a hashtag is to allow people to search tweets that have a common topic. You simply click on the hashtagged word and Twitter will pull up all tweets dealing with that word or phrase. And even though they are most commonly found on Twitter, you will [...]

What Are Hashtags and Should I Use Them?2017-08-22T12:46:25-04:00

How To Use LinkedIn to Increase Sales

Today’s small businesses have fantastic opportunities for self-promotion and free marketing. Away from marketing you may be enmeshed in more red tape than ever, but online the resources available for growth and development are amazing. A resource that needs to be tapped into is LinkedIn. You may think of this site as a place to host your static CV but it is actually one of the social networks with a good many million users. […]

How To Use LinkedIn to Increase Sales2017-10-04T21:08:48-04:00

I Got Some ‘Likes,’ Now What!?

You created a Facebook page for your business. Your friends and family liked it. Now what? Are Facebook fan ‘likes’ enough to grow your business? […]

I Got Some ‘Likes,’ Now What!?2017-10-04T21:17:19-04:00

When Social Posting Has Gone Too Far

Ok, some people feel that social media networking sites should be used for everything and anything that people want to post. Have you heard the story, reported in the newspaper, of the Swiss nurse who posed with a dead woman, then posted the picture on Facebook? Who would ever think that anyone would do something like this? This especially holds true for someone in a helping profession such as nursing. […]

When Social Posting Has Gone Too Far2017-08-22T02:09:46-04:00

Three LinkedIn Fixes to Sharpen up Your Profile

Getting the most from LinkedIn means doing more than throwing up your resume and waiting for the perfect client. There are a few small changes that you can make to your profile for instant improvements. But remember, LinkedIn is not a passive site – you need to get involved, post regularly and let yourself be heard. […]

Three LinkedIn Fixes to Sharpen up Your Profile2017-08-22T16:05:57-04:00

Social Media Policies in the Workplace

Does your business have a Social Media Policy in place? Is it written from the perspective of protecting the company or is the focus strictly on preventing abuse of privileges by employees? […]

Social Media Policies in the Workplace2017-08-26T02:47:01-04:00

Social Media in 30 Minutes or Less!

“I don’t have time for social media” is a common phrase nowadays that you must have said or heard at sometime. Do you feel too overwhelmed by your daily tasks to use your social networks frequently? Social media management can be a full time job, especially for businesses that require constant social media monitoring of their accounts. Social media managers help to ensure that the brand is promoted properly, that the customers remain loyal and that the product is reaching [...]

Social Media in 30 Minutes or Less!2017-08-26T03:16:48-04:00
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