What Has That #Hashtag Done for You Lately?

Sure, you are using #hashtags in your social media campaign, but how do you get more out of those little smashed-together words? Your business has some tweets going out and has employed the use of hashtags, but what can you do to widen the span of that little tic tac toe board? (Just in case you don’t know what in the world a hashtag is, read this blog post first.) Using Twitter to attract new customers and engage your current [...]

What Has That #Hashtag Done for You Lately?2017-08-22T12:31:40-04:00

There Really IS an App for that!

Technology and the use of phone apps have launched the cell phone from something you use to call and text to the most useful piece of technology most of us own. Your phone is now your camera, your ipod, your navigation device, the place where you check your email and Facebook, and on and on. Apps have changed the game. […]

There Really IS an App for that!2017-08-22T16:17:35-04:00

Let’s Get Engaged

If you have been utilizing Social Media for your business, you have most likely established a method for measuring the success of these efforts, and it no doubt includes a comparison of statistics with actual interaction in the form of graphs, charts, or some other eye-catching collection of data. But what are you measuring, really? Is it the number of “Likes” or how many times you can get a retweet on a post? In a word, no. […]

Let’s Get Engaged2017-10-02T18:35:18-04:00

Freshen up your social media profiles for spring

It’s spring so why not spruce up your social media accounts? There are some simple things that will help you keep your social media profiles fresh that won’t take up too much of your time. […]

Freshen up your social media profiles for spring2017-10-05T01:00:40-04:00

Tips on How Social Media Can Help the Job Seeker

Are you getting frustrated looking for a new job and not having any results? Are you following the same old process of replying to a job listed on the company’s website and never hearing from the employer? Maybe it’s time to try a new route in finding your new career! Social media websites provide more than just catching up with old friends these days. They are also a way to connect with prospective employers and find out about their day [...]

Tips on How Social Media Can Help the Job Seeker2017-08-22T16:02:30-04:00

Avoiding Copyright Mistakes on Pinterest

There has recently been uproar surrounding copyright issues involving people pinning on Pinterest. Copyright refers to giving the actual person who created the information the credit for doing so. In order to avoid mistakes with copyright on Pinterest, you need to properly source where you found the information and who actually created it. By linking the pin back to the appropriate and original post the original picture was on; you are able to source a pin correctly and avoid the [...]

Avoiding Copyright Mistakes on Pinterest2017-09-18T13:58:06-04:00

Let’s Talk Social Media Tactics

 In order for a business to succeed, social media has to be a crucial factor in their marketing plan. By utilizing top social media tactics, a company can push their business to the next level and save money while doing it. The main purpose of social media, when used by businesses, is to connect with potential customers and get their name out to people. If you fail in reaching potential customers or clients, your business will not grow exponentially. One [...]

Let’s Talk Social Media Tactics2017-10-02T18:31:41-04:00

Why You Should Have Video Marketing on Your Social Media Websites

Online video marketing is on the rise and people of all ages are watching videos on the web. While photo and text updates are typically the norm, a video can really show your customers your creative side and set yourself apart from your competition. Not sure how to get started? Here are a few tips to get your video launched for your business: […]

Why You Should Have Video Marketing on Your Social Media Websites2017-08-15T23:53:09-04:00

Facebook “Home” Hitting Android Phones

Social Media Networking Just Got Better With Facebook unveiling “Home” for Android phones the social media networking juggernaut kicks it up another notch in being able to reach people even more easily. By adding the “Home” experience on Android gadgets it will help to further cement social networking’s role on people’s mobile devices. This is a bold move by the company. They are looking to increase their marketing revenue to […]

Facebook “Home” Hitting Android Phones2017-10-05T18:14:20-04:00

If You Like It Then You Better Put a Pin On It

If you are like me and you have so many bookmarks in your browser that it takes several scrolls of the mouse wheel just to glance over them all, then why not Pin those web pages? Pinterest isn’t only for recipes and craft ideas. You can have a board specifically for technical tips or sites related to any interests you have. Pinterest quickly helps you see why you saved a site, and organizing couldn’t be easier. […]

If You Like It Then You Better Put a Pin On It2017-10-04T21:05:40-04:00
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