12 Dec

New Internet Privacy Regulations for Minors Proposed by FTC


The internet poses a world of opportunity for learning when it comes to kids. Unfortunately it also offers a world of danger as well. Those looking to take advantage of children in a myriad of ways actively patrol online looking for targets. Tighter rules and regulations have come into play to help stem this; however, a new issue has arisen. The ability of third-party advertisers and websites to actively collect information from children on internet ready mobile devices is now [...]

New Internet Privacy Regulations for Minors Proposed by FTC2017-10-04T01:37:27-04:00
12 Dec

Instagram VS Twitter on Photos Affecting Social Media Users


If you tried to upload a picture on Instagram recently and view it afterwards from your Twitter account, you might have noticed a cropped version of your picture. Don’t worry, you didn’t crop it accidentally, it’s just that Instagram has decided to cease the support to Twitter cards, which means that the Instagram photos will never look perfect on Twitter anymore. […]

Instagram VS Twitter on Photos Affecting Social Media Users2017-10-04T01:15:44-04:00
12 Nov

Do You Know When a Change in Your Social Media Campaign is Needed?


Any of us who have been actively marketing our brands on the internet for any amount of time will tell you that there are times when social media campaigns literally explode and others when they sink like a stone. Not all social media campaigns are created equal with some being much more effective than others. The trouble comes in when you have difficulty in realizing that your social media campaign is one of the sinkers. Do you know when a [...]

Do You Know When a Change in Your Social Media Campaign is Needed?2017-10-06T16:25:32-04:00
12 Nov

Why Online Reputation Management is a Must


Protecting Your Brand Whether you do business as an individual, a small “mom and pop” style shop, or as a large company one thing you must do in order to succeed is to think of yourself as a brand. While you might offer goods and services it is your brand that people buy into, and it is your brand that will keep them coming back. As a brand you have a reputation to uphold. This reputation can be affected if [...]

Why Online Reputation Management is a Must2017-08-21T16:12:56-04:00
12 Nov

Is a Platform Liable for the Content it is used to Publish?


I love cruising the web for weird and wild news from time to time. It is funny to read some of the stuff that people will actually post for all to enjoy. On that note I happened across a post from blogger Josephine Jones who wrote in October on a lawsuit that Automattic – the makers of WordPress – is facing. I have to give JJ props as it was her headline that snagged my attention – Colon quacks sue [...]

Is a Platform Liable for the Content it is used to Publish?2017-09-29T15:55:56-04:00
12 Nov

Prepping for Cyber Monday – Will YOU be Online?


Black Friday has been an ongoing event for some years now and remains extremely popular. Cyber Monday is a newer construct designed to attract online shoppers who might decide to avoid the crowds in the brick and mortar stores. Without all the pushing, shoving, swearing, and more to contend with folks are able to cruise online stores and snag the deals they are seeking from the comfort of their own homes. The question that one has to ask though is [...]

Prepping for Cyber Monday – Will YOU be Online?2017-09-29T15:35:48-04:00
12 Nov

#47 The Importance of Crafting Compelling Content with Barry Feldman – Part 1


Everybody has a good story, they need a great storyteller. Barry Feldman is one of those greats that can help you craft compelling content for your story. Barry is a freelance copywriter, creative director, content marketing creator and consultant. He specializes in persuasion and engagement. He shares his vision and techniques at the Content Marketing Institute. Next Step What is your business story? Post it in the comments and we'll get Barry to help spruce it up for you! Subscribe [...]

#47 The Importance of Crafting Compelling Content with Barry Feldman – Part 12017-10-12T13:46:05-04:00
12 Nov

Does Your Business need a Pinterest Account?


It was just a few days ago when Pinterest announced the creation of business accounts, along with various tools and tips that would help brands develop a great presence on it. This move proves the rising interest that businesses show on the new trending social network, as they feel they can showcase their products in a great visual way. Pinterest seems to acknowledge their interest in this move and that’s why it decided to separate the personal and the business [...]

Does Your Business need a Pinterest Account?2017-10-06T16:16:41-04:00
12 Nov

SMS Panic As Donut Giant Buys A Train Ticket!


Can you feel that? It’s the mobile advertising train leaving the station and you’re not on it! That’s right in case you missed it, 2012 is officially known as the year that mobile goes mainstream and for us it certainly has been a long time coming. As each week and month rolls on so does the number of mobile campaigns launched. More and more businesses are seeing the value of bulk SMS as they focus their marketing strategies in a [...]

SMS Panic As Donut Giant Buys A Train Ticket!2017-08-28T10:06:23-04:00
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